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Free Report June 2020- Its time to change

by Aaditya Singh | 20-06-2020 22:01 recommendations 0

Through this report I want to share with Tunza members an example of an unconventional method to create awareness about environmental conservation and change. Since childhood, I have experimented with creative means to convey social and environmental messages through, dance, music and art. This report is about a song.

After two months of online learning, school started in phases from the beginning of May, for me and fellow students in Austria. While we have been busy trying to cover lost ground, there is also a realisation, an awaking, and a new awareness about the new normal. 

During the online learning sessions, even in the academics, there was a lot of focus on the COVID-19 crisis and related matters. While this forced all of us to think and realise, it also gave us a free hand to experiment with creativity for a cause, while learning our school subjects at the same time. 

For a French Language group project, we had options to work on written essays and oral commentaries or delve into poetry and songs. The theme was about how we should live our lives after the lock-downs are eased, and in general in the 'Post COVID-19' period. I collaborated with a classmate to create a French Rap song that highlighted how the Corona pandemic is our own doing and to raise awareness about a change that is required to lead to a sustainable future.

I composed the lyrics of the song titled "ALL IS NOT WELL" and also sang it as a duet with my classmate. For the music, we used a 'free to use' music background from Tony Hanska Beats. The soundtrack is called  "La Haine" INSTRUMENTAL 90's (French Hard BoomBap HipHop)

The song and our effort was appreciated by our school and the song was posted on the school website also. I have attached a link to the website below 
Being in Austria our school website is in German.

Below is a link to the audio of the song for whoever would like to listen to it!
My voice starts about 18 seconds from the start of the song.

I have written below the lyrics in French and also translated in English. I hope some of the members or those reading the reports online would know French!!!

Lyrics in French
Tout ne va pas bien

Nous sommes sales, contaminés.
Tout va bien. 

Le monde est en train de mourir, pollué.
Tout va bien.

Aucun arbre laissé derrière, incendié.
Tout va bien. 

Trop de fumée dans l¡¯air, étouffé.
Tout va bien. 

Lorsque nous sommes infectés, notre corps se défend. 
Lorsque le monde est in-fecté, il doit l¡¯être aussi.

Quand nous tuons la planète, c¡¯est justifié. 
Mais quand la planète nous tue, c¡¯est une pandémie?

Je ne le comprends pas et je ne le comprendrai jamais. 
Comment nous justifions notre égoïsme par notre avidité.

Je pense qu¡¯il est temps que les gens réalisent que tout ne va pas bien.
Non. Tout ne va pas bien.

Il n¢¥y a plus de confinement. Oui, nous devons changer.
Mais quel changement, quel changement?

Ah oui

Les actions parlent plus fort que les mots
Il est temps de changer.

Avons-nous appris notre leçon?
Il est temps de changer.

Nous replantons nos forêts,
Il est temps de changer.

Nous sommes assis sur un trône de poubelle,
Il est temps de changer.

Tes larmes sur les réseaux sociaux ne font aucune différence.
Pratique ce que tu prêches, et nous formons une alliance.

Il est temps de changer.
Tout ne va pas bien.
Nous disons
Tout ne va pas bien.
Non, non, non¡¦
Tout ne va pas bien.

Lyrics translated to English
All is not well

We are dirty, contaminated.
Everything is fine.

The world is dying, polluted.
Everything is fine.

No trees left behind, burned down.
Everything is fine.

Too much smoke in the air, suffocating.
Everything is fine.

When we are infected, our body defends itself.  
When the world is infected, it can do the same.

When we kill the planet, it is justified.
But when the planet kills us, is it a pandemic?

I don't understand it and I will never understand it. 
How can we justify our selfishness by our greed?

I think it¡¯s time for people to realize that everything¡¯s not right.
No.  All is not well.

There is no longer any confinement.  Yes, we have to change.
But what changes, what changes?

Ah yes

Actions speak louder than words
It is time to change.

Have we learned our lesson?
It is time to change.

We replant our forests,
It is time to change.

We are sitting on a trash throne,
It is time to change.

Your tears on social media make no difference.
Practice what you preach, and we form an alliance.

It is time to change
All is not well...
We say
All is not well...
No no no¡¦
All is not well!!!

Link to the Music background used for the song
All is not well


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Aaditya!

    Greetings and Namaste from Nepal
    Wishing you a safe stay
    Thank you for your report on covid 19 and change making time

    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.
    Green Cheers :)

    Best wishes,
    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 14-07-2020 10:25

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Aaditya Singh, this is mentor Taehyun!

    It's a great campaign song for the environment. I'm finding out something amazing. In fact, music has long been a great tool for propaganda, which has been used to send messages to people. It seems that we need to approach environmental protection from a slightly different angle. It's not in a hard, documented form, but in a form that's this easy to reach the public. In that sense, this campaign seems really meaningful!

    Thank you for the report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 01-07-2020 02:12

  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Aaditya Singh, this is a mentor, Sang Su Lee.

    Many people agree that music is one of the strongest medium to change and move humans' hearts. Your lyric reminds me of Michael Jackson's Head the World. Thank you for your beautiful lyric and I hope this raise awareness of people on the environmental issue.

    Thank you for your report~!
    Posted 01-07-2020 02:09

  • Aarati Khatri says :
    Hello Aditya Singh, Glad that youth like you are soo committed to create a change the society needs.
    Thank you soo much for sharing the way you are watering to resolve the environment issues.
    keep on disseminating the ideas.
    Best Regards.
    Posted 28-06-2020 15:33

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Thank your for your report!!
    Posted 21-06-2020 18:15

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks Catherine for acknowledging. Indeed, sometimes alternative and unconventional ways catch the attention and convey a message better than regular words and talks! Would love to hear the song created by you and your schoolmates. Do share it with us!
    Posted 20-06-2020 22:23

  • Catherine Shim says :
    Hi Aaditya!

    WOW! I love how you approached raising awareness with music! Because of COVID-19, my friends and my school has also worked on alternative ways to promote our cause for sustainability, which include creating a promotional song this year. In these difficult times, I also believe that it is crucial to search for alternative, virtual ways to raise awareness in sustainability and ultimately bring about change.

    Kudos to putting together a creative song! BTW, I love the beats :)

    Lots of respect to your experimental approach and creativity !!
    Posted 20-06-2020 22:19

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