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Consequences of climate change

by Adan Ojeda Villa | 25-02-2021 12:55 recommendations 0

The consequences that we are now witnessing derived from climate change are alarming, although we know that it has been scientifically proven that 90% of climate change is caused by human actions, we are not the same ones who can mitigate this environmental problem. The burning of fossil fuels and land use change are the two main anthropogenic factors that cause climate change.

For more than 10,000 years the earth has had a fairly stable climate, but from 1850 to today the earth is 0.75¨¬C warmer and 11 of the hottest years recorded since 1850 were between 1995 and 2006. Mexico emits 2% of total Greenhouse Gas (GH) emissions annually, however, the most developed and industrialized countries account for 52% of global annual emissions. All these emissions give rise to the different climate changes that we are now present, and difficult scenarios are expected such as the melting of glaciers, it is estimated that by 2040 these may disappear. Changes in soil moisture this derived from severe and frequent rainfall and that the evaporation of water into the atmosphere increased by 1.2%. The seas will rise between 18 and 88 centimeters which will cause the melting of glaciers and increase in rainfall, the most recurrent presence of severe climatic events such as hurricanes, floods, droughts and extreme cold in areas where they normally have a more temperate climate.

Undoubtedly these consequences are sadly severe, in addition to 20 to 40% of the biodiversity is species in the world will disappear, which will give to the loss of biodiversity and only the species that manage to adapt to the new climatic conditions will be those that do survive.

In order to give to the solution of this environmental problem called climate change, we have two great challenges, which are to first reverse negative trends through mitigation and cut vulnerability to extreme events through adaptation and prevention against environmental contingencies. This means that we must change our lifestyle for a greener one, reduce, recycle and reuse, as well as carry out alternative energies such as wind energy, invest in research to study climate change, create prevention plans for natural phenomena derived from this problem, design plans for the conservation and restoration of ecosystems and species in general, educate society through environmental education and prepare and respect urban development plans and projects that prevent the settlement of human populations in high-risk areas. We are in time to avoid all these consequences that climate change has to do with it. (Antonio et al., 2008)


Cited Bibliography

ADDIN Mendeley Bibliography CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Antonio, J., Lastra, S., López Carmona, M., Mendoza, S. L., & Ximhai, R. (2008). Ra Ximhai Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México TENDENCIAS DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO GLOBAL Y LOS EVENTOS EXTREMOS ASOCIADOS.

Emissions of greenhouse gases

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  • Dormant user Adan Ojeda Villa
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  • SJ Mentor says :
    Hello Adan!
    It's your SJ mentor.

    I hope everything will come out all right.
    Thank you for writing your thoughts on climate change as a report.
    Since the Industrial Revolution, human influences have had a significant impact on the Earth, which eventually returns to the consequences of climate change.
    To delay the climate change scenario as much as possible, we must act immediately.
    We need to promote eco-friendly lifestyles and solve greenhouse gas problems and waste problems.
    This should be joined by not only one individual and country but also by everyone around the world.

    Green cheers!

    Best regards,
    SJ mentor.
    Posted 02-03-2021 05:34

  • Mun WooJooMentor says :
    Hello Adan,
    this is your mentor WooJoo.

    Warm greetings from South Korea!
    Thank you for sharing current concers regarding the consequences of climate change.
    As an evidence, South Korea experienced the longest rain season ever last year, and this winter has been extermely cold and snowy compared to recent years.
    We have to always remember that, it is "our" problem and that it is in our hands.
    I agree that changing our lifestyles for less dependency on plastics and other disposal materials is very important in order to achieve our environmental friendly goals.
    Let's keep acting as eco-worriers!

    Keep sharing

    Posted 27-02-2021 23:46

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