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There Is No Planet B

by HASSAN ABUBAKAR MUHAMMAD | 05-09-2021 22:33 recommendations 1

Have you ever wondered why all are trying to go to MARS?
Why do we want to inhabit MARS and create Earth-like atmosphere there?
Why not just redirect these ideas and motivations towards Earth ; our own planet and revive it?
It is Earth that needs our help to replenish itself so that it can support human race for centuries to come! why not save it first?
My prime question here is ; "COLONISE MARS OR SAVE EARTH?"I am a die-hard fan of NASA Space Exploration Programs. In fact, being an ASTRONAUT is my biggest dream.
But, i do not think we should abandon this precious and unique planet just to go for an inhospitable, barren, dead planet like MARS.
Saving our Earth andits environment becomes highly important as it provides us food, water and oxygen to sustain life.
Our well-being solely depends on this planet.
It is our responsiblity to take care of it.
Remember ; THERE IS NO PLANET B!What Are Your Dreams?

Images Credit: NASA JPL And UNEP


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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Hassan, this is your mentor Hannah.

    It was able to see your interest in space by your article. Hope you achieve your dream of being an astronaut!! As you claimed, I also think that saving the Earth instead of abandoning it to find another alternative planet is rightful think to do.
    Thank you for your great work and please keep it up;)

    Posted 08-09-2021 15:46

  • Vivian Nabisere says :
    Thanks for the article. This is something the world needs to think about.
    Posted 06-09-2021 05:36

Gokce Nur AYAZ

  • Gokce Nur AYAZ says :
    Thank you for your article :) I was thinking this in the scope of trying to create an atmosphere on Mars closer to what we have here on Earth versus choosing to prevent further damage that might form on Earth's atmosphere.

    Posted 06-09-2021 02:22

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Hassan,
    this is your mentor Joon.

    I agree with your article more than 100 percent. There are many people working on terraform of Mars. Though we should develop some technologies for deadlocked situations, but why aren't people doing their best to save the planet in the first place? That is quite a nice food for thought. We should always remember and take in mind that earth is our home at first place and do our best to save it before it collapses. Moreover, tremendous amount of energy or time would be required to terraform other planets, but where would all the resources originate from? Some might be procured from solar energy and planet's energy source, but significant shares would be coming from earth. This would even accelerate the collapse and therefore moving to other planet should be the last minute plan. Before we face the situation, we should work hard to protect our planet.

    Thank you for your article, and would have been better if you have written the source of image.


    Posted 05-09-2021 23:27

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