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Time to treat our landfills (free report).

by Roselyne Awiti | 25-10-2021 00:40 recommendations 0

Wastes are produced daily from our households, markets, construction sites and factories.This necessitates the creation of a landfill which is one of the earliest forms of waste management. However, do we understand the negative effects associated with them? I agree that they play a big role in ensuring that we live in a clean environment but what about the nearby estates located next to such landfills? Do we ever think of how to reduce the harm that such landfills will have on individuals living around such areas and to our country at large?

Recently,I visited one of the landfills in my country. Unfortunately,I found out that the wastes were directly piled from the ground and this is referred to as a land raise which isn't bad but a landfill (wastes filled from a hole) is better than it. The smell and the unpleasant view of such areas is also something worth being worried about.

Additionally, the toxins, leachates and the green house gases produced in these sites affect nature, wildlife and global warming something that calls for urgent measures to be put in place to eliminate or minimize these effects.

Such minimization methods include proper regulation and monitoring of such sites to ensure adherence to conditions put in place. Secondly putting up more inert wastes (wastes from construction sites which does not react with other wastes) e.g bricks and soil could be of some help.
Lastly, using disinfectants to reduce the bad smell and improve the safety of such wastes will reduce the harm it has on living organisms.

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  • Dormant user Roselyne Awiti
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  • Roselyne Awiti says :
    Hannah Mentor, thank you very much!
    Posted 01-12-2021 04:48

  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Roselyn, this is your mentor Hannah!
    Sorry for the late comment.
    Unlike the general opinions that landfills should be replaced with other waste management methods, your point of view that landfills should be regulated is brightening.
    Thank you for the great ambassador report and please keep up with your great work ;)

    Yours, Hannah

    Posted 13-11-2021 17:06

  • Roselyne Awiti says :
    Well said Joon Mentor! Am still working to find an appropriate approach in my country and I will thereafter figure out how that idea will reach the Government.
    Posted 31-10-2021 05:46

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Roselyne, this is your mentor Joon!

    Not many people get a chance to see landfills, but after having it on their sight, comments
    are similar: Quite horrifying panorama.
    Wastes are piled up rotting, giving out some stinky odor, weird liquids flowing everywhere
    and so on. Not many people can dare to stay there for long time. Even the management
    authorities indeed that it is quite disturbing facility that they are reluctantly using.
    There are movements being made to purify, and transform the landfills to different facilities.
    Popular example in korea is "haneul gongwon" (Sky Park) which they covered piles of trash
    with plants and made a park on top of it. Different approaches are being made and hope
    every one of them are effective.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!
    Posted 28-10-2021 10:29

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