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(Theme month post) Techniques to ecologically treat waste

by Dante Santiago Prada | 28-10-2021 05:25 recommendations 0

n the thematic article of the previous month we worked on the slogan of the 5Rs to be able to adopt a culture of 0 waste. We address each of the R's (Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Use biodegradable products). Now, knowing this, we must understand that, no matter how hard we try, we will always produce unwanted by-products, but how should we proceed ecologically with them?

There are several ways to do them, some simpler than others, in the following article 3 techniques will be proposed to deal with waste in an ecological way, 2 of them for organic waste and one of them for organic waste.

Technique 1 for inorganic waste: Ecobotellas

Eco bottles are plastic bottles that are filled with so-called soft plastics, these can later be used in the production of plastic wood. The elaboration of these eco bottles is super simple, first you must choose a plastic bottle of any size, it is recommended that its peak be wide, then you have to start filling it with soft plastics such as: disposable plates; nylon bags, candy wrappers, candies, medicine, plastic wrap among many other things. When our bottle begins to fill with the help of a stick, it must be pressed inwards so that there are no spaces with air inside the bottle, once it is filled under pressure with plastics, the bottle must be capped. When you have your bottle ready, find out where in your city or country there are companies in charge of processing these, if there are no such companies in your country you can use the eco to build houses for stray dogs, that's what happens in my city .

Technique 2 for organic waste: Compost

Composting is recognized worldwide as an optimal way to undo organic waste and transform it into compost for the harvest of fruits and vegetables. But what can a compost carry? What you can bring is: fruit and vegetable scraps, flowers, plants, eggshells, pruning scraps, corks, kitchen paper or napkins, ashes, wood sawdust, oil and vinegar, coffee grounds, scraps of infusions, animal manure and straw. The compost must be outside, without direct sunlight reaching it and a temperature between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, it is not necessary to add water to the compost unless it is dry. The compost will become compost for our plants thanks to the work of decomposing microorganisms and worms.

Technique 3 for organic waste: Raising chickens

Of the techniques provided in this article, this is the most complex and most difficult as it adapts to the possibilities of each individual. What is necessary to be able to raise chickens is at least: have space outside where they can have them and where they can graze, have a construction where they can sleep and nests where they can lay their eggs, if you have or are willing to build those things, what It remains ahead is simple, first of all chickens are simple to raise since they are a friendly animal that adapts to all temperatures, a hen's diet is made up of balanced food or corn with organic residues, our hen can Give all the vegetable and fruit waste from our home and with their feces we can contribute to our compost. Having chickens would be doubly beneficial since we should have a source of abuse-free organic eggs and also an animal that feeds from organic waste, if you do not have enough space to have chickens, you can collaborate with a family member, friend or neighbor who has chickens storing and carrying your vegetable and fruit waste.
A photo of ones of my chickens with theirs chikens littlesEco bottles

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  • Dormant user Dante Santiago Prada
  • recommend


  • Dante Santiago Prada says :
    Hello thanks for the comments. Yes Hannah yes the photos of the chikens were taken by my. There was my mommy hen called Tramontana
    Posted 01-12-2021 06:19

  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Dante, this is your mentor Hannah.
    Sorry for the late comment.
    Great relating our September's topic zero waste with October's topic, Ecological waste treatment.
    Are the pictures of chickens taken by you? The paragraph about organic wastes is impressing.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 20-11-2021 17:23

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Dante, this is your mentor Joon.

    Interesting article about means or techniques to ecologically treat wastes! Though method 2 and 3 is only available to consumable, and rotting wastes, it is quite effective way to treat them ecologically. About your first method, I did not know we could make plastic trees with soft plastics. Is it a miniature ornament? No matter what it is, it is interesting to hear that companies and cities are up to making those products! I guess it is a good example of
    finding new use for waste!

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 28-10-2021 16:19

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