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Thematic Report: Air Pollution

by Sandhya Adhikari | 07-11-2021 02:42 recommendations 0

Lying under the Zenith those imagination ever popped on my head, where I wondered a day under those clear sky jubilate with those pristine air, no more those puffy nebula of dusty air, no hectic traffic popping, not a day when my granny¡¯s bronchitis lung contribute any expenditure to fill our stomach with those food cooked in firewood stove, my mother¡¯s hand don¡¯t force her to make ¡°Guitha¡¯¡¯( cow dung and straw are mixed and given a shape of stick and sunbathed in summer which can be used in winter for firewood purpose which has became the major source of air pollution in rural area as extreme smoke comes from this) to warm those icy body as well as to warm the Earth, where my illiterate 85 years old grandpa don¡¯t burn those all plastics bottles and wrappers to warm his sluggish body. Yes i imagined to have a peaceful environment with virgin air regardless of retrograde environment where I don¡¯t fear to breathe, where my granny¡¯s bronchitis lung still keep the hope to remain functional for some year and get a pint of clean and virgin air. So ridiculous to express this is only up to imagination, way too disheartening but it is so real that a virgin pollution free atmosphere is arduous to rummage.


 Air is one of the most fundamental need of every life holding component existing in this universe. The quality of air that we breathe determines our average life expectancy. Nowadays the condition of air isn¡¯t suitable for breathing due to the extreme pollution. Air pollution can be defined as an alteration of  air quality that can be characterized by measurements of chemical, biological or physical pollutants in the air. Undoubtedly it is harmful for all living things; even nonliving as it damages, destructs and alters their normal natural cycle. We've all faced air pollution and experienced it first hand, whether it be on the streets while going out for a quick snack or on the way back to work. With the advancement of modern technology and rise in the number of automobiles, factories, industries and excessive use  of fossil fuels, the quality of air that we are breathing is undergoing the process of deterioration. Almost as per the report of World Health Organization, 9 out of 10 people worldwide are exposed to the level of air pollution. Almost 6 million people dies every year due to the air pollution and spread of many airborne diseases are the reward of polluted air. So Tackling with air pollution will be much challenging now than it was a century ago. As the world is getting hotter and squeeze day by day, those engines continue to pump out dirty emissions, and the very air we people are breathing is growing dangerously polluted, nine out of ten people now inhale polluted air and which result the death of 7 million people every year. Meeting the goals of Paris Agreement to Combat Climate Change could save about millions of lives a year worldwide by 2050 through reduction in air pollution alone. With the advancement of newfangled technology and establishment of factories, industries various chemicals like carbon monoxide, Chlorofloro carbon, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides etc are getting altitudinous position which are the primary air pollutant and the pollutant from the interaction of primary pollutants are secondary pollutants like smog which directly affect this environment. Those unsympathetic activities followed during mining and burning of fossils fuel in power plant has added its contribution in rising the air pollution.Correspondingly, in developing and poor countries traditional biomass burning is a major source of air pollutant. Agriculture alone contribute nearly 24% of total green house gases emission (IPCC, 2014) i.e from the use of the synthetic fertilizers, landfills which produces excessive methane, enteric fermentation, and rice cultivation which contribute  more than 10% of global anthropogenic GHG emission (FAOSTAT, 2014). Although North America has less than 7% population but accounts 15-23% of the world¡¯s emission in terms of trace gases important for radiative process of atmosphere and acidified rain. Use of nuclear weapon, germ warfare and rocketry for space exploration has also left its footprint in air pollution. Some of the air pollution is also due to the natural factors such as volcanic eruptions which eject tremendous amount of volcanic ashes and lava onto the earth surface adding dust and smoke to atmosphere thereby polluting the air, radioactivity released from decay of rocks, as well radon from the radioactive decay of earth crust, carbon sequestration, wind erosion and most importantly forest fire, The Amazon forest which effectuates about 20% of world¡¯s oxygen, often called ¡®¡¯The lungs of Earth¡¯¡¯ is on the threat of fire which resulted to increase in carbon dioxide, use of paints which contains volatile compounds, formaldehyde and ozone on the atmosphere also assists in the the elevation of air pollution.

In addition to this air pollution has the catastrophic effect on children and pregnant women, worldwide up to 14% children aged 5-18 years have asthma related problems, every year 543000 children younger than 5 year die from respiratory disease connected with air pollution, most of the childhood cancer, undeveloped fetal brain, autism spectrum disorder, con genetic impairment are major effect of polluted air. In case of plants, they usually show damage like necrosis, lesions, stunned plant growth, chlorosis, bronzing, mottling, decreased photosynthesis, restricting respiration, wilting etc. Similar to this accumulation of nitrogen leads to Eutrophication. As already discussed air pollution enhance global warming leading to climate change. Some historical consequences also clarify that air pollution has a devastating effect, The Bhopal Disaster that took place in India on December 1984 is considered as most catastrophic disaster in the world leading to the death of 3000 local people due to blockage on respiratory tract. Similarly, in December 1952, the United Kingdom faced its worst event of air pollution when a thick  smog covered  London which claimed the lives of 4000 people and 1000 suffered from respiratory problems due to smog. Air pollution can affect cardiovascular health by hardening arteries, increases the risk of heart attack and strokes, degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer¡¯s disease, Parkinson¡¯s disease and Schizophrenia.

Some of the ideas that can be used for the mitigation of air pollutions. The combined action of individual social community, government bodies and the global body are required for the effective control of the air pollution.



• Everyone should make a habit of proper disposal of wastes, trashes, and leaves.


• Instead of burying those plastics we can think wisely for their recycle, reduction, reuse, about 29% of global air pollution can be reduced if plastic isn¡¯t burned.


• Single tree can produce nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year, so effort should be given for plantation I.e. afforestation of trees as well some air purifier as indoor plants.


• Management practices for dust settling and using of ecofriendly means of transportation.


• less dependence on fossils fuel alternatively solar energy, wind energy can be used.


• As LPG produces 33% less carbon dioxide compared to petrol, Diesel and firewood. So, substitution of fire hood to LPG and stoves.


• Use of efficient air pollution fewer electric appliances instead.


• Effective saving of energy.



Socially: ¡¤       

  Well management of the wastage and drainage must be emphasized to have the fresh air.

¡¤         Community plantation campaign should be emphasized as plantation and protection of the tree is the long lasting approach for the fresh air.


¡¤         Construction works of buildings, roads and any other architectural projects should be carried out carefully. Those construction sites usually consists of high concentration particulates of silica, asbestos, synthetic vitreous fibers and diesel which are the major contributing factors  for cancer and other respiratory diseases.


Government Bodies:  

¡¤         Government should enforce an "efficient vehicle regulation" in which vehicles must exhaust Carbon dioxide below the permitted or allocated limit. 


The old and non efficient vehicles should be scrapped and recycled properly along with this government should invest more in alternative renewable energy like hydroelectricity, wind energy, solar energy.


¡¤Industries should also be emphasized to be eco-friendlier by conducting regular energy audits, reducing fossil fuel use by making the plants electric, and reusing and recycling as much as possible.


 The gaseous wastes should also be properly neutralized and disposed safely in a non-harming way through careful approach as well as people must be made aware of dangerous air pollutants like PM 2.5 and PM 10.


Global actions:  


¡¤         Tackling with the problem of global warming should be on everyone's concern, the glaciers are melting due to global warming, the warming temperature is posing circumstances to atmosphere.


¡¤         Global pressure must be given to those countries contributing the highest amount to air pollution. Countries like China, India, USA have one of the highest pollutions in total and countries like Kuwait and Qatar have highest per capita pollution. They should be pressured to take action immediately in controlling those alarming situations.



To sum up, it¡¯s the responsibility of everyone to act for the protection of the quality of the air to make earth beautiful haven.


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  • Dormant user Sandhya Adhikari
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Sandhya, this is your mentor Hannah.
    Sorry for the late comment.
    Impressed by your nourishing report on our October's topic.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 01-12-2021 22:26

Prince Foley

  • Prince Foley says :
    What an insightful report, keep it up
    Posted 08-11-2021 18:33

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Sandhya, this is your mentor Joon.

    Well read your extensive report, and I am impressed by the devotedness of this article.
    Air Pollution has been a problem for long term, however it is not dealt seriously up until
    recently. We have came too far as we were not addressing this issue properly, yet we still
    have a chance. By saying a chance, not chances, we should work on it right now or else accumulated problems for more than 100 years would surpass the critical point and we would
    reach unwanted destination.
    Hope progression is made, so that we could make earth beautiful haven.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 07-11-2021 13:40

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