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Air Pollution

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 26-11-2021 18:12 recommendations 0

The natural situation in society is aggravated with any year.  Every day, a huge number of tons of garbage are spewed into landfills, but the situation is poisoned by the consistency of toxic elements.  In the large settlements of India, the Country of China, the Russian Federation, the Land of the Rising Sun, the United States of America, Midday Korea and Iran, there is practically nothing to breathe!  It is also not improbable at all.  According to the World Health Company, more than 92% of society's inhabitants breathe a dirty atmosphere.  It has been confirmed by literacy that an unclean air space is able to contribute to early aging, it is considered a factor of low weight around a child, and also negatively has a great influence on the moral image of people.  Worse in general, in this case, is that the pollution of the atmosphere every year gives rise to approximately 3 million deaths.  In such a case, there is any 9 death associated with this.  The country, as well as numerous other countries, firmly entered the list of states with very negative environmental trends.  Kazpravda journalists discovered that in one or another settlement of our republic, airspace is more dangerous, as well as to exist in circumstances that are sometimes not defined in any way by generally accepted autoanitary standards. Clogging of the atmosphere is every change in its composition and qualities, which causes a whole damage to the human body, zoological  also to plants.  According to the RSE "Kazhydromet", in the Country of Kazakhstan, industrial production, the occupation of tracks by municipal vehicles and low ventilation of populated areas have a significant impact on the clogging of the weather atmosphere.

 Experts note that these 3 conditions contribute to a significant and very significant degree of pollution of the atmosphere in populated areas with similar pollutants, as well as nitrogen dioxide, carbon compound, smoke dioxide, methanal, gas, weight particles, carbolic acid, ammonia.  Employment of tracks by municipal vehicles - multicomponent emissions of fuel and diesel fuel from vehicle money are considered one of the key keys to clogging the weather atmosphere in populated areas with nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, basic elements are also significant traffic congestion, including in settlements with optimal ventilation.  , leads to the accumulation of harmful inclusions in a weightless environment.  pollution of the atmosphere. Large cities are polluted due to the release of lead, benzopyrene and formaldehyde into the atmosphere.  The main basis for contamination of the weather atmosphere is considered to be motor vehicles, which requires 70 percent of the same amount of emissions of harmful elements into the atmospheric water body.  Also, with any year, everything is done, without exception, more.  Thus, according to Kazhydromet, the atmosphere contains imprints of active chemical combinations of 3, 4 classes of threat (nitrogen compound, non-metal, bogey), less often combining 1-2 classes of threat.  stimulated by a large number of conditions.  In the example of Almaty, I can notice, as well as the special location of the megalopolis, the exhaust winds also form an environmental accident in our observations.  Practically because of a dozen, Almaty started one with the dirtiest settlements in Kazakhstan, the presence of this in no way possessing such a concentration of industrial production, as well as in the Main Country of Kazakhstan. This is logical, since most of the restraining cars in Almaty are equipped with internal combustion engines,  what the presence of combustion of fuel accentuate the maximum number of toxic inclusions of heavy metals. The main basis of clogging is considered to be nitrogen dioxide, the essence of which exceeds the maximum possible degree.  This blue fuel "adorns" the airspace of Almaty, it has the 2nd threat group in accordance with international standards.  The presence of significant concentrations has a chestnut tone and a stifling aroma.  He managed to practically stomp the town, it is possible to notice it with an unarmed eye from every peak of the world - this is Khokhol-Tyube.  In addition to Togo, the airspace of Almaty is poisoned by a wonderful gas - the prevalence of generally accepted standards is 4.2 times.  This is an excellent blue fuel, someone is pale, has no aroma and is also very toxic.  The presence of protracted poisoning arises leading to suffering, asomnia, the interest is also aggravated by memories. The degradation of social vehicles also fought the significance in the pollution of Almaty, which led to the reorientation of city residents into individual cars, increasing their number in the procedure.  For this reason, the improvement of the conditions with social vehicles is essentially a liberation of the well-being of also the existence of the generations that have also been born before.  Experts note that in order to cleanse the light reservoir of the megalopolis, no less than a million individuals should be removed from it.  in addition, significant conditional moisture, emissions of harmful elements from motor vehicles also smog from blacksmith heating in individual rooms.  chapter.  Taking into account the fact that Moscow often hangs down, insect allergy has become, for the purpose of many, an ordinary travel companion.  A whole connection among the dominions also by the population, but in addition to various municipal bodies, the activities of which are directly or directly related to the quality of the atmosphere (environmental protection devices, textures, specializing in forecasting the properties of the atmosphere, health care, vehicles, also polyadelphite. Letter.), It is able to contribute to the improvement of ecology.  settlements of Kazakhstan.


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  • Dormant user Ilona Poplavskaya
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Ilona, this is your mentor Hannah. Sorry for the late comment.

    It's shocking that more than 92% of society's inhabitants breathe a dirty atmosphere.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 07-12-2021 01:33

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Ilona, this is your mentor Joon.

    Despite the fact that most of country's population is living around urban area, urban area is the region facing the most serious problems of air pollution. As it is concentrated, and industrial facilities are concentrated, huge amount of air pollutant is generated. Emission from vehicles are another source, but people often dismiss the effect of transportation. Building a sustainable transportation system is also required.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!



    Posted 27-11-2021 15:09

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