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Ambassador report: Careers related to Renewable energy

by Malewo Chiwanga | 26-01-2022 01:39 recommendations 0

Careers related to renewable energy 
In recent times, due to an increase in awareness of environmental issues and the importance of environmental conservation there gas been a rise of jobs in fields such as those dealing with renewable energy such as solar, wind and water plants 
A clean energy career can be any occupation that is affected by activities such as conserving energy, developing alternative energy, reducing pollution, or recycling. Due to the need for specialised positions with an in depth knowledge of the sciences renewable energy careers are extremely lucrative but also difficult in terms of employment due to high competition. 
The most important thing to factor in such careers is that they Foster people to help conservation and are not merely performative positions which do more harm than good. For example creating positions which are unnecessary and which only add to the carbon footprint just to be seen as progressive and going with the current trend of environmentalism.


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  • Dormant user Malewo Chiwanga
  • recommend


  • Malewo Chiwanga says :
    Hello, Mentor Hannah and Mentor Joon I am grateful for your reviews and kind words I will definitely work on correcting typos and other minor grammatical errors, Thank you.

    Posted 09-02-2022 16:51

  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Yes, the last paragraph may have a little controversy, not all jobs can't be only beneficial to the environment.
    I expect more nutrious, informational articles with corrected typos ;)
    Thank you for your article and please keep up!


    Posted 26-01-2022 21:40

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Joon.

    In narrow perspective, only the researchers for renewable technologies are recognized as career related to renewable energy. However, if you look on broader perspective, those working for whole industry, such as accountant, maintenance staff and so on can also be counted as jobs related to renewable energy. Without them, the industry can not be ran.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 26-01-2022 15:25

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