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Free report: An individuals duty in using renewable energy.

by Malewo Chiwanga | 26-01-2022 01:53 recommendations 0

It is currently a wonderful time In history where the general cry for environmental conservation is a movement that is understood,accepted and taken by organisations and governments worldwide but the danger of this Is that the notion gets lost on the individual people and suddenly they put their feet up believing that since an organised front has recognised the movement and is putting sanctions into place that they can just lay back leaving it to the "big guys" but no, individuals are the forerunners who need to always keep going no matter what;  
In matters such as renewable energy individuals need to rally on a local level  by purchasing or generating energy from renewable sources  they should purchase green power and renewable energy 
While it is good that we now have major organisations to advance the movement of conservation we should never forget that every step counts no matter how small it may seem.

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  • Dormant user Malewo Chiwanga
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  • Malewo Chiwanga says :
    Dear Mentor Hannah and Mentor Joon thank you both very much for your guidance and kind words.
    Posted 09-02-2022 16:57

  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Yes, I totally agree that the individuals have the big part for the environment conservation movements or also renewable enrgy aspects.
    The governments and companies' role is to lead these individuals with affordable policies and development, right?

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 03-02-2022 21:51

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Joon.

    I totally agree with your view point that people should not lay back leaving all the duties to the 'big guys'. No matter how good the policy is, if the people targeted for the policy does not follow, it would turn out as nothing only wasting social costs. Once the big ones arranged infrastructure for renewable energies, it is people that should play a key role.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up.


    Posted 26-01-2022 15:30

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