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(Thematic report- January) How to go carbon neutral??

by Binita Suwal | 03-02-2022 13:58 recommendations 0

When there is a balance between carbon emission and absorption from the atmosphere in carbon sinks, we call it carbon neutrality. Carbon sequestration means removing and storing the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. To achieve net zero emission, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission must be counterbalanced by carbon sequestration.
To achieve this global goal of carbon neutrality, each individual must follow the sustainable practices into their daily lives. Here are some of the sustainable practices to be followed by an individual to lead this global goal to its target.

1. First step is to reduce the carbon footprint.
It refers to the amount of impact of an individual or organization on the environment in terms of how many tons of greenhouse gases, like methane and carbon dioxide are produced by their activities in a year. One can reduce their carbon footprint simply by reducing the amount of transportation they use, drive efficiently and less where ever possible. Use of the green vehicles, reduce the use of cooling and heating machines, washing machines and switch to laundry, and use only less amount of electronics, application of 3R strategy, eat less meat and animal products and reduce food waste are some of the measures one can easily apply in their daily life to reduce their carbon footprint.

2. Carbon offsetting
Although applying all the measures one cannot completely reduce the footprint in this case, the only way to truly become carbon neutral is to balance out remaining emissions through carbon offsetting, or contributing financially to projects decrease greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. It is a easy to do and can be quite affordable for individuals with many projects costing less than USD 15 per ton. One can start offsetting their emissions by checking out many excellent projects available through the offset store.


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  • Dormant user Binita Suwal
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Binita, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Yes, simple and rational explanation on our topic carbon neutrality.
    There are quite a lot of ways to reduce the carbon footprint, 'cause in my opinion we excessively make carbon footprints. However, what about carbon offsetting? It seems to need more development by maany experts.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 07-02-2022 23:24

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Binita, this is your mentor Joon.

    There are different ways to go carbon neutral. It could be done by following the ways you have mentioned in your article. Yet, our final goal is to reach Carbon Zero at some point, and in order to do so, simply offsetting does not solve the problem. What we really have to do is to remove principal reason behind it. To do so, energies must be generated in ways does not emit any carbon, transportations must be carbon free and there are so much to go. Hope we can reach carbon zero not far from now.

    Well read your articles, and let's keep up!


    Posted 07-02-2022 15:25

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