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"What I am Doing to Help the Environment"(Thematic report)

by Dolma Diki Sherpa | 16-02-2022 00:46 recommendations 0

Hello Everyone

I am an undergraduate student of BSC agriculture at an institute of agriculture and animal science. Environment and Agriculture are closely related to each other. Every individual has a role to preserve our environment. Every individual's collaborative effort can make it easier to protect our environment.

Agriculturist promotes organic farming and biopesticides to preserve the environment. Farmers must be provided with information about organic farming techniques and benefits. Farmers are applying a huge amount of chemical fertilizer to enhance crop yield. The use of chemical fertilizers degrades soil quality. Organic manure is plant and animal waste which are used as a source of plant nutrients. It improves soil texture, increases bacterial and fungal activity and water holding capacity. The use of organic manure will replace the use of synthetic fertilizers. Pesticides and herbicides are used haphazardly to control insects and weeds, respectively. Chemicals will mix with water and destroy aquatic species as a result of surface runoff. Pesticides cause the death and damage of microorganisms, which decreases soil fertility. Biopesticides are derived from naturally occurring organisms or compounds that suppress the growth of the pest population by diverse mechanism action.

Role of plant breeder in environment

The rate of increase in the global population exceeds the rate of increase in agriculture productivity. Food security issues arise as a result of an imbalance between population growth and crop productivity. Improvement in plant genetic material is necessary to increase crop yield. People are more concerned to produce food crops without using chemicals to protect our environment. Plant breeder is expected to develop a variety of crops that can be cultivated by using fewer chemicals and fertilizers. Plant breeders discover genes that can adapt to greater temperatures and drought.

Role of soil scientists in the environment

Soil scientists conduct biogeochemical and physical process research. They will conduct soil surveys and investigate soil functions and health to develop climate change mitigation strategies. They are more concerned with improving soil qualities, which play an important role in sustainable agriculture.


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  • Dormant user Dolma Diki Sherpa
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Dolma, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Interesting perspective how you viewed this topic, related to your career! Agriculturist and soil scientists definitely are working hard for sustainable crop production. I wonder what your current actions are for the environment.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 17-02-2022 23:19

  • Bidhata Pathak says :
    Indeed, pesticides can be very fatal. And yes, this is where the role of soil scientists comes to play. I hope we all contribute from our sides to raise awareness and even take action with what we have and from where we are.
    I've been loving your articles.
    Well done, ambassador!
    Posted 17-02-2022 00:57

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Dolma, this is your mentor Joon.

    Interesting to see our Nepalese ambassadors dealing with similar topics! As I have mentioned in Meena's article, there are pros and cons to current pesticides and fertilizers being used. Yet, researches to enhance the efficiency and reduce its affect on nature are being done. Hope your education and collaborative efforts help alleviate current problems.

    Well read your articles for 6 months, and let's keep up!


    Posted 16-02-2022 10:29

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