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World Pangolin Day

by Prince Foley | 20-02-2022 00:27 recommendations 1

Today is the World Pangolin Day, it is celebrated on the third Saturday of February every year. The day aims to raise awareness about these unique mammals and speed up conservation efforts.
Where does Malawi stand in protecting pangolins and fighting against illegal trade of pangolins.
Over the past 3 years there has been a positive strides in as far as the fight against illegal trade of pangolins and protecting them is concerned. 
In 2020, government through the Department of National Parks and Wildlife intensified security and awareness initiatives to address the caese of smuggling pangolins in the country.
Government through the Malawi Police Services also partnerd with private institutions such as the Lilongwe Wildlife Trust to work together in fighting wildlife crimes. With this initiative there we have seen more traffickers being jailed and more pangolins being saved. 
According to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, it is estimated that over 50 pangolins have been rescued since 2020 following a spate of trafficking cases.
It is also said that 83 people were arrested in the year 2020 alone in pangolin related crimes, a sharp rise from 25 arrests in 2019.
Let's Protect Pangolins.


  • Malawi Youth Prince Foley
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Prince, this is your mentor Hannah.

    I hope pangolins get to be more saved and rescued due to this special day. By people knowing how pangolins are in danger, more efforts will be made for pangolins' conservation.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 28-02-2022 00:07

  • Sangwook Ahn says :
    I'm so glad I got to know about Pangolin after reading your article!
    Posted 22-02-2022 22:31

Prince Foley

  • Prince Foley says :
    Thank you Joon, greedy for money has costed our environment, but there are some people who are still trying their best to restore and protect our degraded environment.
    Posted 22-02-2022 22:27

Prince Foley

  • Prince Foley says :
    Thank you Momina🤝
    Posted 22-02-2022 22:25

Momina Ahsan

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Prince, this is your mentor Joon.

    I did not know what pangolin was before I read this article. I had some time on myself to look up, and felt sad that pangolins are getting in trouble. Human greediness is always a problem. Indeed we have reached up until this point of development due to our ability to reason and pursue complex greediness, but when it comes to problems related to environment, I believe we have reached, or maybe crossed, what we were allowed to pursue, not to say that there is someone to set the lines either to cross or not. As a human having ability to think and reason, I believe it is point for us to think once again about our actions.

    Well read your article for six months, and hope to keep up with your work!


    Posted 20-02-2022 14:37

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