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Carbon Neutrality and its significance

by Momina Ahsan | 20-02-2022 01:10 recommendations 0

   It was the beautiful dawn of life, with sun rising and the golden bright sun rays emitting to reach the darkest ends and make them bright. Until, one day, the sun started becoming scorch and angry to much extent. Air, water, land and humans started becoming anxious on the arrogance of their friend, but the sun seemed angry and continued emitting the blazes of fire. As the time passed and technology grew, humans started finding out the causes that made the sun gloomy. As the research went on, it was found out that loss balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in carbon sinks caused the brutal rays of suns go haughty.

    It was expected that if the CO2 emission balance went to rise in the same fashion, the time ain't far away when life on the earth would be impossible. Seeing this, every brilliant mind come ahead and started finding out the solutions. In order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius – a threshold the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) suggests is safe – carbon neutrality by mid-21st century is essential. This target is also laid down in the Paris agreement signed by 195 countries, including the EU.

       But first, we must know the causes of the carbon dioxide mutant threshold in the universe.

Causes of imbalance in CO2 level:
  •      Due to increasing trends of keeping individual vehicles
  •      Increased industrialization
  •      Increased energy demands
  •      Increased usage of fossil fuels 
  •      Increased biogas production
  •      Increased household, official and industrial carbon foot printing
  •      Imbalance in carbon emission and carbon utilization/induction.
  •      deforestion
  •      Enhanced burning of fossil fuels etc

      All these causes amalgamated with others, set the trends of enhanced carbon emission. While the technology was invented to aid humans with feasibilities, it caused humans ailment in the way of carbon imbalance. 

Ways to protect:

       In the time, when digitization is on the peak and covid'19 that quadrupled the ways to add feasibilities in human life from household to business end, it became necessary to reduce the carbon foot prints by utilizing the resources in intellectual way. According to the targets set by the Paris Climate Agreement, there are only 29 years remaining to reach global net-zero emissions. 

     The project is termed as Carbon neutrality by 2050. This project is holding the main core and the only way to achieve carbon neutrality and reduce the impure CO2 emission in the atmosphere that is getting detoxicated. Carbon neutral means that any CO2 released into the atmosphere from a company¡¯s activities is balanced by an equivalent amount being removed. According to the European Union Commission, natural sinks remove between 9.5 and 11 Gt of CO2 per year. To date, no artificial carbon sinks can remove carbon from the atmosphere on the necessary scale to fight global warming. Hence, to become carbon-neutral, companies have two options: 

  1. reducing drastically their carbon emissions to net-zero
  2. balancing their emissions through offsetting and the purchase of carbon credits.
      To achieve carbon-zero emissions, we need to make it sure that alternate chemicals or elements are used that can help us take carbon emission to zero, which is almost impossible. On the other hand, there is another gateway that is to wisely use the resources and utilize the elements that can aid in reducing carbon emission in the atmosphere. Further, another step to achieving the Carbon Neutrality by 2050 is to regrow more forests and help the environment stay green. More Green Earth, More live Sustains.
     It is impossible to generate zero-carbon emissions; therefore, offsetting is a viable approach to become carbon-neutral. Offsetting your carbon emissions sends a strong message to your community, that you are committed to paving the way for a sustainable future. The funds from neutralising your carbon footprint will be providing low-carbon technology to communities most at risk of the impacts of climate change. However, you have to ensure that the offsetting project is transparent and involves local communities in the process. 

        This will ultimately help the companies go green to make the universe sustain and breathe. Carbon neutrality is essential not only for the earths revival but also for the life survival!


  • Pakistan Former E-gen Ambassador Momina Ahsan
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Momina, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Yes, simple and rational explanation on our topic carbon neutrality.
    There are quite a lot of ways to reduce the carbon footprint, 'cause in my opinion we excessively make carbon footprints. However, what about carbon offsetting? It seems to need more development by maany experts.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 28-02-2022 00:07

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Momina, this is your mentor Joon.

    Carbon neutrality is not an option. It is a must. If we do not transform our current system of emitting thousand kilos of green house gases, we would eventually reach a critical point and collapse in near future. Many countries, not all and the proportion compared to all countries are relatively small, are aiming to become carbon neutral by 2050. I just hope that the critical point lies somewhere way beyond the 2050 line. To do so, different efforts are being made and researches are being done. Hope most countries become carbon neutral or zero if possible in near future.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 20-02-2022 14:43

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