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One Health - One Globe (What I am doing for Climate)

by Momina Ahsan | 23-02-2022 00:44 recommendations 0

        In the technological era and with the magic of clicks, things are like the fairy dust. With the chunk of devotion, you can attain whatever you like and with the perseverance of the nerves, we can conquer the globe. I consider myself as the learner with agility in actions, sturdy nerves but with sustainable approach. In 2017, I started my journey as a veterinary student and I realized, being a human specialist would have been easy, but not being a veterinary person. Till then, I had one thing; I wanted to grow and survive in the competitive approach. 
         Time passed and till then, I am proud to consider myself as the keen learner. From being introvert and extrovert, I have lived my life. I love being a veterinarian, that found platforms to learn new things and implement those in the real-time. 

           Being a veterinary doctor, the thing that intrigued me in the beginning was One Health - One Globe triad, where we consider humans, animals and environment at the same level. The pros and cons of any action is addressed at 3 different stages, starting from public health to animals welfare and ending at the consequences of the actions on environment. To contribute in One health trio, I started my entrepreneurial program based on One health approach. In Pakistan 88% of the community is directly/indirectly linked to the livestock/veterinary community. They are having lack of knowledge and due to less resources fall a prey to quacks. Therefore, morbidity level increases, resulting in less economic uplift.  Vets Pets Consultancy is an online veterinary consultancy platform providing video-graphical, blog-graphical and social media information. It aims to provide services of the veterinary in a way that empowers local community. It is promoting veterinary in Pakistan by mingling digitech and health revolution, with more efficient easier and profitable approach for writers, media persons and veterinarians, which is managed by our mobile application.  

              Here I address the environment along with the two sectors of living beings for sustainable solutions to reach economical consequences. Further, I am contributing for the climatic actions and consequences of humans approaches through the blogs and training sessions, where youth is being influenced by the ways to reach the UN SGDs. I am proud to share that I am contributing for sustainable actions to address the climatic sustainability through One Health trio and is looking forward to create an impact by leading the generation through positive mindset. 


  • Pakistan Former E-gen Ambassador Momina Ahsan
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Momina, this is your mentor Hannah.

    It's great how you're trying eco-friendly moves yourself, and also guiding and suggesting some actions to people. I'm sure that you inspire people around you and will do the same in the future as well. Please keep up!

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 28-02-2022 00:19

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Momina, this is your mentor Joon.

    Good to see you working on your place. There are different ways which one could pursue ecofriendly activities. This article clearly depicts how one could relate its job to environment. Hope your dreams come true.


    Posted 23-02-2022 18:34

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