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Soil Pollution.

by raja khadeejah | 30-04-2022 01:04 recommendations 0

Monthly Report - Soil Pollution 

Soil pollution is often caused by the presence of chemicals or something similar in the natural soil. It's often done by those in industrial, agriculture or simply because you disposed your waste wrongly. Pesticides, accidental chemical spills and nuclear wastes are just some out of many examples of causes. 

Now besides degradation of the earth, how does this affect us humans? 

It simply affects our health. Midst process of wrongfully burning the wastes which degrades the quality of the soil, it will also cause air pollution by releasing carbon dioxide. Too much of exposure towards carbon dioxide means you will inhale less oxygen, which causes you to feel very nauseous and fatigue. In the long run, it could possibly lead to brain damage, muscle weakness and even potentially death. 

Besides respiratory issues, you could also lead to indigestion, food poisoning or other chronic health conditions. This could be caused by ingesting food or vegies grown in that contaminated soil. 

Now, how can this affect the ecosystem? The answer is simple. It could destroy habitats, the food chain and even diseases. 

We have finally understood as to why how crucial it is to take care of the environment with great love and care. Hence, we should always practice the 3R's as besides preaching, we can't do anything. 

Even the smallest change could be revolutionary. 


reference : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_contamination 
soil pollution

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  • Dormant user raja khadeejah
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Raja, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Soil pollution is the complex issue. We should consider many aspects when we deal with this pollution. I think water pollution is the most relevant. When hazardous chemical wastes are dumped and buried in the ground, there is a possibility that they will drift into a nearby rivers or lakes. As a result, the whole ecosystem will be destroyed. Both soil pollution and water pollution affect our health in almost same ways. However, especially, soil pollution is one we cannot easily figure out. Although there exist different types of methods and measures to deal with soil pollution, the most effective way to deal with it is being proactive at all times.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 04-05-2022 09:03

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Raja, this is your mentor Joon.

    Soil pollution may cause severe damages to the environment surrounding us AND will come back to use. We have witnessed different cases such as itai-itai disease and Minamata disease which were caused by disposal of chemicals that returned to us in the end. I am not sure what 3R's are which you have mentioned, there is another concept of 5Rs which are refuse reduce reuse recycle rot based on Zero Waste movement. Hope more people act on making the world better place.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 01-05-2022 00:24

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