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The Importance of Biodiversity

by Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas | 01-05-2022 02:13 recommendations 0

 Indonesia is known as a country with mega biodiversity. This is possible due to our stable climate within the equator line. The only season we have is known as the wet and dry season. Wet because it rains a lot, and dry when there is barely rain with it mostly just being the hot sun. There is no such thing as winter with snow and minus temperature.


Biodiversity ranges from animals within the sea and forests, up to the vegetation that makes up these forest. We know that there is such thing called the ecosystem and that there is a food web. Each living organism has its own role to play. The loss of an organism has unknown long term effect. One of it is due to the fact that they are a part of the food web and may be food to another organism. If we are talking habitat wise, the loss of a plant species would not support certain organism that needs them in order to survive.


Each organism has its conditions for thriving and surviving, such as humans that lives in a temperature range that is acceptable for us. If it is too hot then we may get heatstroke, or if it is too cold then we would get hypothermia. The same goes for other organism, they need the right living conditions to thrive and survive. It is not only about temperature and humidity, but the existence of predator and food source as well as a place to take shelter that has to be accounted for.


Most wildlife on land would live in the forest, savanna, mountain, or any habitat terrain. Meanwhile aquatic species can be found in ponds, rivers, coral reef, and even mangrove forest. However, the condition right now is that deforestation is still happening and this means that wildlife is still losing their habitat. If they do not have the habitat that fits their need, then how would they survive? Our loss of biodiversity happens along with the loss of our forests.


Mono-plantation is not a solution in saving biodiversity loss, where mono-plantation is a wide area of plantation that only grows one species of vegetation like oil palm vegetation. It is as how it was explained, a diverse amount of species needs a diverse amount of living conditions, so relying on only one type of vegetation will not cut it.


Ida Ayu Mas AmeliaKusumaningtyas

  • Indonesia Youth Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas
  • recommend


Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Hello, Ida!
    You wrote about the conditions and current situation for Indonesia's biodiversity. I'd like to visit someday. Thank you for a good article.
    Posted 13-06-2022 16:49

  • Daniel Puente says :
    Interesting Ida, greeting from Mexico.
    Posted 31-05-2022 09:06

  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Ida, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    The Indonesian energy-generating rate is difficult to keep up with the Indonesian energy consumption rate due to the effects of wet and hot weather. Furthermore, it is more difficult to reduce the number of fossil-fuel power plants than in other countries due to its weather and geographical characteristics. However, Indonesia has a relatively stable climate, so that your country can hold and sustain mega biodiversity. It is a blessing to live in a country with a stable climate! I hope your country will find proper resolutions to preserve and grow that amazing biodiversity.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 06-05-2022 20:59

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Ida, this is your mentor Joon.

    Biodiversity is important as environment is complexly related and connected. Once an organism goes extinct, it may cause tremendous side effects. Therefore, it is important to protect all animals/plants/algae as possible. As you have mentioned, different organism each has its conditions for thriving and surviving. However, it is getting harder and harder as time passes to meet such conditions. Global Warming is accelerating, and biodiversity is reducing. We should carefully deal with such issues and do what we can do in order to make sustainable environment.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 05-05-2022 14:30

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