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SOIL POLLUTION: its effect on human health

by Ananya Passi | 01-05-2022 03:23 recommendations 0

This article will explore the possible side effects of soil pollution on human health and the solutions to reduce soil pollution.

What is soil pollution?

Soil Pollution refers to high concentrations of toxic chemicals in the soil that can threaten human health and the ecosystem. Even when contaminants naturally in soil are not in high concentrations, soil pollution is still said to occur if the levels of contaminants in the soil are higher than those that should be naturally present. Such contaminants include salts like phosphates, carbonates, sulfates, and many organic compounds like lipids, proteins, fatty acids, et cetera. 

Impact of soil pollution on human health

Soil pollution poses a risk to everyone, especially people who have direct contact with soil like farmers, construction workers, and miners are at a greater risk of severe health problems. The three common ways humans are exposed to soil materials are ingestion of fruits and vegetables without adequate washing, respiration, and skin absorption or penetration. Soil contaminated naturally or through anthropogenic activities with toxic amounts of chemical substances when ingested or inhaled, may lead to human toxicity. Lead is the most significant soil contaminant and has been concerned with effects, especially on children and adolescents, and can lead to lead poisoning. The long-term effects of soil pollution on humans are unknown, but short-term health problems include headaches, coughing, chest pain, nausea, and skin and eye irritation. Efforts are still underway to understand the long-term complications on health.

Ways to reduce soil pollution

There are a plethora of ways to help reduce and prevent soil contamination, as mentioned below:-

  1. There should be an assessment and implementation of sustainable land and soil management with the help of local communities and indigenous people.
  2. Recycle batteries properly
  3. eat sustainable food
  4. Better urban planning and transport Infrastructure
  5. Produce homemade compost 





Soil Pollution - Definition, Causes, Types, Effects, and ... - Byju'shttps://byjus.com › Chemistry › Environmental Chemistry




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  • Dormant user Ananya Passi
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Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Hello, Ananya!
    Among the solutions to soil pollution mentioned in the article, we must put into practice what we can do right now. Thank you for a good article!
    Posted 14-06-2022 16:05

  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Ananya, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Well written article about soil pollution! Every type of pollution poses a threat to human health and the environment. You mentioned three examples of it in this article. These are all true. However, we must not overlook the fact that mining is one of the main culprits responsible for soil pollution. Miners are at great risk of severe health problems, at the same time, their work is also a great risk to land. It can lead to the deterioration of biodiversity which is this month??s theme.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 06-05-2022 20:59

  • Vivian Nabisere says :
    Thanks for the information 💚💚💚
    Posted 06-05-2022 05:35

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Ananya, this is your mentor Joon.

    Soil pollution is a real issue which causes harm to people. There were different cases including Itai-Itai disease and Minamata disease. It is especially important to reduce the total amount of chemicals/heavy-metals. Though there are not much individual could do, ways you have mentioned would surely help reduce the amount of chemicals. I especially liked the part that people should recycle batteries properly as it is 100 percent recyclable if collected, but causes arm due to fluid leakage if not.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 05-05-2022 14:44

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