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by Cheha Paik | 31-05-2022 20:37 recommendations 0


Earth is filled with a variety of life from individual organisms to entire ecosystems. This is called Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth. It covers all living things, including humans. However, the biodiversity is in danger of threats. Let¡¯s look further into this topic.

Why should people worry about this?

Biodiversity is extremely important to human development. These values include basic needs such as food, shelter, fuel, and other resources that are obtainable from biodiversity. Furthermore, ecosystems provide crucial help such as pollination, and climate regulation. More importantly, they can also provide medicine which is necessary for treatment against sickness. 

Threats to biodiversity

Now that we know why biodiversity is crucial to our lives, we need to spread awareness of the threats to biodiversity that can affect the planet. Although humans need to value biodiversity for their own needs, it is us that is actually harming it in the first place. Over the last century, humans have dominated the planet, causing rapid loss of biodiversity. An example that causes this loss is deforestation. Humans use wood for many things, such as fuel, paper, furniture, and weapons. However, this giant gathering of wood causes the decrease in biodiversity. 

It is our job and responsibility to take care of the planet. By understanding these threats to biodiversity, humans can make a change although it will take a very long time. However through this article, let us spread awareness so that we can be closer in achieving a healthier planet. 




  • Korea, South Former E-gen Ambassador Cheha Paik
  • recommend


  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Cheha, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    I agree that biodiversity is extremely important to human development. I would like to add more words after this sentence. ¡°Biodiversity is essential to human life itself¡±. There are tons of species that we have not known in ecosystem, and we also do not know how much important roles they play for maintaining the ecosystem. That is why we should take more care of biodiversity. One of the ways to protect the biodiversity from the threats mentioned in this article is to spread awareness of the threats to biodiversity, and encourage people to take aciton.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 05-06-2022 02:34

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Cheha, this is your mentor Joon.

    Yes, spreading awareness is always important as we could increase the number of potential people who might be able to work for environment. We first need to stop exploiting the resource which the mother nature provides us, and then need to look for make up solutions. As we are living on this planet, and one whom damages the most of the planet, it is indeed our job and responsibility to take care of it.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 01-06-2022 00:16

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