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(Theme Report) Efforts of associations or companies for a green world

by Nataly Montesinos Canales | 14-06-2022 10:50 recommendations 0

Efforts of associations or companies for a green world

Organic agriculture is a method of agricultural production and transformation that combines the best environmental practices with more natural manufacturing processes. "Producing organically" means meeting the basic needs of the population in an innovative and modern way, reconciling Man with Nature to be able to identify a sustainable product there are seals and ecological certifications recognized worldwide or nationally, which endorse its sustainability depending on the industry in question. In order to be able to buy this type of products in a responsible way, it is important to be well informed to be able to recognize and distinguish these seals.

There are already Latin American associations that support the cause of demanding justice for the rights of the environment and farmers, such as CIM Comercio Justo México:

A civil association that standards and promotes fair trade products and services from small Mexican producers for the benefit of their social, economic and environmentally sustainable development, in a relationship of solidarity with consumers.

The CIM seal guarantees: that the consumer is acquiring a product with certified quality, that the small producer is receiving a fair price for his product and that the product was elaborated taking care of and preserving nature.

Another Latin American company that acts for a sustainable world is Ecocert Peru:

Convinced that organic production is a viable long-term answer to the economic, ecological and social challenges of agriculture worldwide, we have been working for its expansion for the past 30 years. Ecocert has contributed to the development of the first organic standards and continues to be an authority on the subject with French and international bodies.

On the other hand, there is an example of a well-known company that uses C.A.F.E. Coffee and Farmer Equity Practices such as Starbucks:

Development of socially responsible coffee purchasing parameters, called C.A.F.E Practices. These parameters are designed to work with producers to ensure a high quality in their production and at the same time promote equitable relations with the coffee growers, with the communities and with the environment. The C.A.F.E. Practices general evaluation guidelines are a set of environmental, social and economic criteria to be evaluated in the management of coffee farms and coffee farms. Thanks to this program, Starbucks stores around the world acquire high quality coffee produced in a responsible manner.

In short, obtaining a green building certification brings numerous benefits to the building's users, the construction team and the planet. The environmental benefits of certification depend on the certification, but can include such things as reduced water and energy consumption and waste generation, as well as the use of healthy, natural building materials with less environmental impact. People's health and comfort are also often a priority in these certifications, as exposure to environmental hazards is reduced and environmental amenities such as natural light and green spaces are provided. In the long run, efforts to design a more efficient and comfortable building translate into increased property value and significant economic savings in services.  


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  • Dormant user Nataly Montesinos Canales
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Nataly, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    The number of companies which collaborated with other companies to expand their business has increased, especially environmental business. For instance, Samsung Engineering which operates this platform is trying to organize consortium to develop the environmental business, such as CCUS, green hydrogen and green ammonia. The more such companies and associations appear, I believe, the better we will make a healthier world.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 21-06-2022 01:48

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Nataly, this is your mentor Joon.

    Recent days, the role of associations and companies is gaining its importance. Back in the days, industries are pointed as a major polluter of government, despite they still are, but it is kind of a social trend for such industries to consider more about environments. Now, some companies are seeking of eco-friendly methodologies, and capitals are shifting to the companies which implemented such measures. I believe this tendency is quite positive and should be continued.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 16-06-2022 13:24

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