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July Thematic Report - Nature And I

by Justice Obiri | 07-08-2022 11:14 recommendations 0

Dear Nature, 


I have been in love with you from the very first day I came across you. I have wondered how it would like to flow like a river, wriggle like a bee, occupy space like air,  or even form the hard crust covering the earth in the form land. I just love nature! Your greenness brings out your genuineness, organisms are able to thrive well within you when pollutants are least.  


But we've not been fair to you. See how choked gutters keeps choking you and it is by our doing. See how poisoned the land has become and it is by our doing. See how dangerous the waterbodies have become, intoxicated with deadly chemicals and it is by our doings, see how polluted the air has become and these are all by our doings, how sorry can I be? How tearful can I be, how can I appease your wounded soul? The million-dollar question yet with very simple answer; Preserve and Conserve!


Our leaders keep preaching messages of lowering emission of greenhouse gases, it keeps increasing each and every year. As activists and environmental enthusiasts, we will continue to fight for what is right, we demonstrated and organized workshops to teach people of the harm we cause to ourselves when we harm nature, when our houses gets washed away because of flooding, it should sound a bell in our ears that it by our doings, when heat rises so much so that it has to end lives, we must know that it is by our doings, when it snows dangerously and the roads get iced liked a frozen food, we must know that it is by our doings.


I can never be sorry enough, I do the little I can to make you safe dear nature, I hope we all learn to do the little things to help preserve and conserve nature.


1.     We keep that trash till we find a bin.

2.     Stop using plastic based materials and encourage the usage of recyclable materials.

3.     Let us plant trees as our hobby, it beautifies our environment and purifies the air we breathe in.

4.     Let us consume less and hence generate less waste.

5.     Let us respect laws and rules protecting the environment and anything nature.

These are some of the small things I do and encourage others to do.


Green Cheers From Ghana


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  • Dormant user Justice Obiri
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Justice, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Interesting letter to the nature! And thank you for introducing us to what we can do for the environment in daily life. Our small affort towards environment can bring a big change to our environment. First and foremost, the most important thing the actions of ¡®all of us??. It is important not only to make an individual effort, but also to encourage others and elicit their actions.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 26-08-2022 04:09

  • Justice Obiri says :
    Thanks for the comments
    Posted 12-08-2022 10:02

Kaushal Niraula

  • india radha says :
    marvelous writing, its like a love letter to the environment

    Posted 09-08-2022 13:24

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Justice, this is your mentor Joon.

    Beautiful monologue towards nature! Though nature provides us with plentiful resources, we always treat them maliciously. As a result, earth is suffering, yet most of the humans are inconsiderate to listen to the groan of the earth. All we have to do is simple, and minimal approach, yet people are not taking it seriously, and responsibly. How hard is it to keep the trash till we find a bin? How hard is it to consume less and generate less waste. Every time I think about the human deed, I become disappointed.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 09-08-2022 13:22

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