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Free Report - Ghana Is Flooding

by Justice Obiri | 07-08-2022 11:48 recommendations 0

Ghana is flooding


Flooding is a very normal phenomenon in my opinion. The fact is that we are not doing enough to prevent it, so to me it is normal. I watch news around the world and some very developed countries like the US also get flooding as natural occurrence so this menace may be normal. But is it?


A flood is an overflow of water (or rarely other fluids) that submerges land that is usually dry. In Ghana, the number one factor to this problem is inadequate infrastructure which includes gutters and good drainage systems. Another contributing factor obviously is climate. We are experiencing very inconsistent rainfall patterns. Sometimes meteorological services have difficulties in predicting the weather because it might look very sunny but within a few minutes, it would be raining.


The situation is getting dire and worse day by day. In a particular instance, a life was lost. The loss of life in times flooding is relatively low in Ghana but the loss and damage of property is huge and brings a lot of financial burden to the government and country as a whole.


The issue of choked gutters also contributes to floods emergence. When it rains and the and water bodies overflow their banks, it passes through gutters before arriving at reservoirs or the sea but in a case where the gutters are choked, nothing can stop water from flowing so eventually it would find its way into our home and we will be at the receiving end of it bad side. We need to desist from throwing rubbish in flowing rivers and keep our environment clean to reduce this problem.


Another factor is that some people also buy lands which are supposed to be waterways for construction of their homes and businesses. So when it rains, their building get washed up and the government again has to find funds to compensate them. Buying of waterlogged lands for construction is also another contributing factor.   


The use of common knowledge in our dealings could possibly help reduce flooding in Ghana. We speak of the same things for years, yet nothing gets done about it. You will only see government commitment, after flooding has occurred, they compensate victims and that is it. The next year, same story and we keep living in the same canker year by year. As frustrating as this is, I hope we get to learn the bitter truth that we are the causers of our problems and till we change, we will continue to be in peril.  

Green Cheers 


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  • Dormant user Justice Obiri
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Justice, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Frequent flood is one of the consequences of climate change. A rise of one degree in the seawater can change a lot things. We can no longer just stand and watch it. We need to take action to solve these problems before it is too late. Like Joon Mentor mentioned, and some people died due to the heavy rainfall in Korea. As flood leads to severe water pollution, we must put more efforts into reducing carbon emission.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 26-08-2022 04:09

  • Justice Obiri says :
    Hmmm, that is sad to know @Joon Mentor, thanks for the comments everyone.
    Posted 12-08-2022 10:03

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Justice, this is your mentor Joon.

    Flooding often occurs naturally, and therefore back in the days, it was kind of annual event to see river flooding on rainy season. To prevent that from happening, people have constructed dams, and rainwater processing tunnels, and we were safe from flooding relatively. However, due to the climate change, abnormal weather conditions are being set leading to extreme amount of rain. Yesterday, in Korea, another record related to rainfall was set, and some parts of the city was flooded. Climate change is a real deal, and should be prevented.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 09-08-2022 13:26

  • india radha says :
    ghana needs immediate climate action!
    Posted 09-08-2022 13:25

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