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Monthly Thematic Report July - Nature and I

by Sagar Koirala | 12-08-2022 01:55 recommendations 0

When I was child, I used to get mesmerized seeing the nature, it¡¯s beauty and all other processes associated with it. I used to wonder why is it so? What are the reasons behind these natural phenomena? and so on.

At that time, I was totally blank but as the time passes, I got chance to understand all these natural phenomena in detail. I realized that behind every natural process there is some mysterious science. Exploring nature, learning about its facts and phenomenon was one of my hobbies at that time and still it is. Actually, I am in love with nature. I am a nature lover and a caregiver since childhood. I can totally sense that when I look around myself. I love traveling and exploring the natural places. I have travelled a lot of places and still continuing my journey whenever I get time. I strongly believe that ¡°If we can connect ourself with nature then we can learn many lessons from it¡±. For instance: the flowing river teaches us to move forward until and unless we achieved our destination. Truly observing nature teaches us that everything under heaven has its own purpose, and we should value what each creature does, even if it doesn't aid our own survival.

 Nature makes me realize that everything has its certain limits and if we try to cross that we will be crushed by our own deeds. Now talking about the present scenario, nature is slowly losing its own identity because of human misdeeds. I feel really disheartened seeing these condition and also worried about our future generation. The place which used to be green in past is now replaced by urbanization, mountains are losing their height as the snow is melting day by day, wild animals are seen entering the domestic habitats, no. of endangered species is increasing etc. We must think that ¡°If we harm the nature then surely it will harm us in return¡±.


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  • Dormant user Sagar Koirala
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    I become interested in the environment since I started to fall in love with flowers, like you realized the beauty of the nature. If we look into the nature, we can find the mysteries of ¡®science?? that explains it. We should not forget to appreciate the beauty and sublimity of nature. I hope we will not forget that we will pay the price for what we have done to the nature.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 27-08-2022 03:48

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Joon.

    Nature always used to provide us pleasant background for us to live. Yet, we were concentrating on destroying the nature, and now it is becoming the place which is hard to live in return. It is now time to think more of nature and return to nature what is has given us.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 17-08-2022 10:13

  • Joe Adabouk Amooli says :
    I love the ending statement ¡°If we harm the nature then surely it will harm us in return¡±
    Posted 14-08-2022 09:01

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