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Organic Agriculture in Asia (Free Report )

by Sagar Koirala | 16-08-2022 21:29 recommendations 0

Today IFOAM Asia nurtures the organic movement across the region in its full diverse cultural, economic, and ecological contexts. Recognizing family farms as the core unit of farming communities and as stewards of nature, the network seeks to improve conditions for laborers, farmers, women, and indigenous or other marginalized groups.

At the policy level, IFOAM Asia advocates for organic agriculture by helping governments and their agencies to formulate comprehensive organic policies in their respective countries.

IFOAM Asia aims to develop and promote regional and domestic organic markets, increase consumer awareness of organic foods and their benefits. IFOAM Asia also recognizes the need for scientific research, education, and development in relation to organic production, processing, and marketing to benefit organic farmers/producers in Asia.

Source - Definition of Organic Agriculture | IFOAM


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  • Dormant user Sagar Koirala
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    I hope that organic food market will become bigger. However, I think the main sticking point of it is their price. Of course, I prefer organic fruits. However, their price is much higher than usual fruits. I hope, at the policy level, more advanced technologies for organic agriculture are developed with supports from the government so that more consumers will enjoy them.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 30-08-2022 21:42

  • Nayoung Kim says :
    That's really cool!
    Posted 17-08-2022 21:27

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Joon.

    It seems to me that you are interested in fields of agriculture! Developing and researching regional behavior of agriculture is important as once it is listed in the database, the other part of the world with similar climate and conditions could implement the following techniques.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 17-08-2022 13:24

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