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free report Role of Forest in carbon sequestration

by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 29-08-2022 01:51 recommendations 0

Forest contributes to carbon sequestering by storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turning it into biomass through photosynthesis.  After then sequestered carbon builds up in forest soils, biomass, deadwood, and litter. Natural processes like respiration and oxidation as well as intentional or unintentional effects of human activity like harvesting, fires, and deforestation cause the release of carbon from forest ecosystems.

The contribution of forests to carbon cycles must be assessed while also taking into consideration how harvested wood is used such as in the production of wood products that store carbon for a specific amount of time or energy that releases carbon into the atmosphere.

Forests help to reduce carbon emissions by serving as both a carbon reservoir and a mechanism to sequester more carbon when the net balance of carbon emissions by forests is negative. When there is a surplus of carbon emissions, trees help to accelerate the greenhouse effect and climate change.

The tree effectively breaks down the carbon dioxide, stores the carbon in all parts of the tree, and release the oxygen back into the atmosphere. Fast-growing trees are, in fact the most efficient way to sequester atmospheric carbon.


Lhamu dolmaSherpa

  • Nepal Former E-gen Ambassador Lhamu dolma Sherpa
  • recommend


  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Lhamu, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Forest plays a critical role in keeping the balance of our ecosystem! It produce oxygen, while reducing the level of carbon dioxide. Additionally, it helps regulate the water and carbon cycle. I hope that we will not lose our precious forests by wildfires.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 01-09-2022 06:09

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Lhamu, this is your mentor Joon.

    Though forest could help 'sequestrate' the carbon which was emitted to the atmosphere, it cannot breakdown the molecules. instead, it captures it for significant amount of time, before trees die, and emitted once deforestation occurs. That is another reason we should avoid deforestation.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!



    Posted 30-08-2022 20:32

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