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[March Free Report] The wildlife

by Jayden Kim | 31-03-2023 09:07 recommendations 0

Photo creds: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/wildlife-conservation/

The United States has one of the largest wildlife in the whole entire world, and is one of the leaders in green living to promote better wildlife ecosystems for the organisms and life that is surviving in the nature of the country. The United States have multiple Environmental branches in their government, from the EPA to the ESA any many more. 

According to the USDA of Economic Research Services, the US has spent 6-6.5 billion dollars per year since 2011 attempting to preserve the wildlife in the country. The US also has the "Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (also known as the 2018 Farm Act), the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates mandatory conservation spending of $29.5 billion over 5 years" (USDA).

The United States have had a lot of success in protecting endangered wildlife as well, as the US endangered species act has actually helped 99 percent of the animals in their list from extinction by creating strict laws and regulations to preserve the wildlife" (WWF). 

However, there are still many problems that exist in the US. Many of these wildlife animals are still being affected heavily by carbon dioxide emissions and global warming, and many endangered species are not even on the list of the ESA. 

The US will continue to be spending and attempting to preserve the wildlife of the US, for the future and the life that gives the US life and prosperity. 

Cite: ¡°The Endangered Species Act.¡± World Wildlife Fund, 2022, www.worldwildlife.org/pages/the-us-endangered-species-act#:~:text=Endangered%20Species%20Day%20%2D%20May%2020%2C%202022&text=The%20US%20Endangered%20Species%20Act%20(ESA)%20is%20our%20nation¡¯s%20most,on%20it%20have%20avoided%20extinction. Accessed 31 Mar. 2023. 
https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/gallery/chart-detail/ chartId=99510#:~:text=Since%202011%2C%20annual%20spending%20has,range%20between%202019%20and%202023.

wildlife reservation photo


  • United States Of America Youth Jayden Kim
  • recommend


  • James Mentor says :
    Hello again Jayden! This is your mentor James!

    I see that you have focused on efforts made by the U.S government and its environmental institutions in order to preserve the rich biodiversity in U.S grounds. However, as you mentioned, U.S is also one of the countries that have been affected by climate change. Abrupt changes in the climate not only causes damage in human societies but also critically affects the wildlife nearby. Thus, tackling climate change via government regulations and investments is crucially needed for the sake of both civilization and the surrounding environment.

    Thanks for the meaningful report! Looking forward to reading your next one!
    Posted 05-05-2023 16:02

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello Jayden! This is your mentor Yewon.

    Thank you for sharing about the wildlife problem in the US. As you mentioned in your report, the US is trying hard to protect wildlife with a large amount of economic support. I'm glad that those efforts have had a lot of success in saving endangered animals!

    I think that the US should also think of a way to promote international cooperation to protect the environment, as the US is one of the countries that lead worldwide environment preservation such as assigning world wildlife day!

    Thank you for your great work! I hope to read your next report too!
    Posted 31-03-2023 22:32

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