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Monthly Free Report - Reviving an Island

by Bruno Troya | 14-09-2023 06:10 recommendations 1



Ecuador Invests $3.4 Million to Restore Galapagos Island's Ecosystem

QUITO, Ecuador — The Ecuadorian government is taking decisive action to protect the remarkable biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands with a $3.4 million initiative. This project aims to reintroduce 12 native bird and turtle species to Floreana Island, where Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution in the 19th century.


Funded through government resources and private donations, this effort will also address the removal of invasive rodents and cats that have disrupted Floreana's delicate ecosystem, according to the country's environment ministry. Species set for reintroduction include vegetarian finches, vermillion flycatchers, lava gulls, barn owls, Galapagos hawks, and giant turtles. This undertaking, starting in January, seeks to restore the island's once-thriving ecosystem, which has seen these species decline over the years.


The Galapagos archipelago, situated about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) off Ecuador's coast, is renowned for its unique flora and fauna, serving as an inspiration for scientists like Charles Darwin. To bolster conservation efforts, Ecuador recently inaugurated a state-of-the-art biodiversity laboratory on Floreana. This facility will study invasive species and monitor the health of existing wildlife, including pink flamingos and sea turtles.


This investment follows Ecuador's move in May, to convert $1.6 billion of commercial debt into a loan dedicated to Galapagos Islands conservation, the largest such transaction ever. Ecuador's dedication to Galapagos conservation sends a global message about the importance of safeguarding unique ecosystems. It reflects responsible stewardship, resonating with Charles Darwin's legacy, and highlighting the urgency of protecting our planet's treasures for future generations.



Smith, J. (2023, September 1). Ecuador to Reintroduce Species to Galapagos Island. Phys.org. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-ecuador-reintroduce-species-galapagos-island.html




  • Ecuador Former E-gen Ambassador Bruno Troya
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello, I'm mentor Sanghyeon.
    I'm glad to hear this news. the Galapagos Island is the background of the 'origin of species'. There for the Galapagos Island is a place of historical significance for mankind.
    Thank you for the good article.
    Posted 28-09-2023 22:09

Emmanuel  Dassah

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun!
    I've always been interested in the Galapagos Islands and the biology of the animals there.
    I'm so glad to hear that restoration efforts are taking place!
    Let's all hope that we can save many species from population decline or even extinction.
    Thank you for the great article!
    Posted 17-09-2023 14:46

Emmanuel  Dassah

Bruno Troya

  • Bruno Troya says :

    Hello, wonderful changemakers! 🌟 Before we delve into Ecuador's inspiring work to revive the Galapagos Islands' ecosystem, I'm eager to learn from you:
    Do you have any innovative proposals for sparking conservation and safeguarding one-of-a-kind ecosystems across the globe? Your creative ideas are valuable!
    Let's kickstart this conversation and brainstorm together! 🌍

    Posted 14-09-2023 06:13

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