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august free report renewable energy

by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 17-09-2023 19:31 recommendations 0


Renewable energy also known as clean energy, is derived from naturally replenished sources. Most of the renewable sources are sustainable but some are not.

Types of renewable energy sources

Solar energy

For thousands of years, humans have used solar energy to dry food, stay warm, and grow crops.  According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ¡°more energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is used by everyone in the world in one year.¡± solar energy systems do not emit air pollutants or greenhouse gases, and most solar panels have few environmental impacts beyond the manufacturing process. if they are properly cited

Wind energy

Wind energy is also the cheapest source of renewable energy. In which wind is used to generate mechanical energy or electrical energy.It provides electricity without burning any fuel and without polluting air.

Hydroelectric power

Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source for electricity. hydropower relies on water typically fast-moving water in a large river and converts the force of water into electricity. It releases no harmful gases and pollution in environment.

It is most common form of renewable energy in nepal

Biomass energy

Crops, waste wood, and trees are all examples of biomass, which is organic material derived from plants and animals. Burning biomass releases chemical energy as heat and can produce energy. For the purpose of generating electricity, biomass is frequently mispresented as a clean, renewable fuel and a more environmentally friendly option than coal and other fossil fuel .



Lhamu dolmaSherpa

  • Nepal Former E-gen Ambassador Lhamu dolma Sherpa
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    I wonder what proportion of hydroelectric power will account for in energy production in Nepal. Great article!
    Posted 28-09-2023 22:31

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun!
    You described the types of renewalbe energy and their characteristics.
    Since all of these energy sources are different, I think it is important to find the right kind of energy source for different communities.
    Thank you for the great article!
    Posted 18-09-2023 20:56

Emmanuel  Dassah

  • Emmanuel Dassah says :
    Great work here. Thanks for the nice piece
    Posted 18-09-2023 10:07

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