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November Thematic Report: Surstainable Technology

by Cheha Paik | 30-11-2023 21:11 recommendations 0

As South Korea celebrates their remarkable growth in technological and economic advancements, they continue to strive for sustainable technology. Embracing the global imperative for environmental conservation, South Korea is aiming to manufacture many sustainable products in order to become a key player in green innovation, and environmental conservation

The South Korean government committed to dealing with the issue of climate change and reducing carbon footprint through the manufacturing of green technology. This initiative not only helps South Korea, but encourages other countries to follow their footsteps in order to contribute globally. South Korea recently announced its fostering project called Green New Deal 100 Promising Companies in 2022. This program promises enterprises with green technology to respond to climate change and the rise of environmental crises. This program has been further promoted since last year. It has officially become a part of the Green New Deal policies, which includes other policies – Korean New Deal Comprehensive Plan and 2050 Carbon Neutral Promotion Strategy – that strive for a positive environmental change. 

South Korea¡¯s Green New Deal 100 Promising Companies project was initiated to target the transition to low-carbon, eco-friendly energy. Specifically, this project helped accelerate this transition. Furthermore, South Korea started supporting the five leading areas of the green industry and reorganized the carbon reduction yield into a climate response field to nurture companies with the capability to respond to future climate change. Particularly, they focused on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises with carbon-neutral and greenhouse gas reduction technologies. 

This change South Korea has implemented throughout many years serves as a model for other countries to do the same. This way, climate change and other environmental crises are not just being resolved in one place, but on a global scale. 




  • Korea, South Former E-gen Ambassador Cheha Paik
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SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    South Korea leads in sustainable technology with initiatives like Green New Deal, inspiring global environmental efforts for a greener future. Great job ^^
    Posted 02-12-2023 16:26

Melissa Menlah Adu

  • Melissa Menlah Adu says :
    South Korea's push for sustainable technology through initiatives like the Green New Deal showcases a commitment to combat climate change. By fostering eco-friendly energy transitions and supporting innovative startups, they're setting a global example for environmental conservation. Their efforts are not just local; they pave the way for a global shift towards a greener future. 🌿🌏👏👏👏 Nice piece 👏👏
    Posted 02-12-2023 11:44

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    I've heard a lot about these projects on the news, and I'm glad to hear that they helped in lowering carbon emissions. Let's hope this kind of change continues!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 01-12-2023 14:35

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