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waste management

by | 10-12-2011 15:23 recommendations 0

Waste Management

Soil is degraded by our activities.  We put wastages, plastics and connect ditches to the ground.  Moreover we put agrochemicals.  They degrade the nature by polluting the soil.  By putting agrochemicals the size and quantity of food is only increasing but the nutrients are vanished.  Instead of using agrochemicals we use natural manures which is obtained from our household waste.  That is by proper waste management we can reuse of the wastages.  According to Mahatma Gandhi, father of our nation, Waste is not a waste until it is to be wasted. We dispose our house wastages separately as perishable and nonperishable.  We change perishable wastes for making manure and non perishable for putting roads etc.  after recycled.  If possible each and every house can make a manure pit to dispose our home wastage.  Reducing wastage is nothing but a cleaning of our environment and so save our nature too.  In India Vivekananda Kendra introduce the ?Sakthi  Surabhi? which uses the vegetable wastages , stale foods to prepare a cooking gas.  The government issues fund for this program. By putting our one day vegetable wastes within the container,  it will prepare a gas for one day for a family having four members. This is my main point in my speech in Rotary Club of Chidambaram.



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  • says :
    Thank you for your comment and information Mam!
    The agrochemicals also destroys our healthiness.
    Posted 03-01-2012 17:25

  • says :
    Thanks for good article Guru!
    Do you know that quarter of land on the earth for agriculture is highly degraded.
    Use of chemical substances like agrichemicals can cause huge side effects on us than
    its effectiveness does.
    Posted 13-12-2011 14:11

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