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by | 15-06-2014 00:11 recommendations 0

It came to me as a huge shock the news of Satao's death, the world's biggest elephant. I am indeed saddened at this development. How can we continue this way. Losing our heritage,creatures that are unique to Africa. We grew up to see these creatures because our predecessors preserved them. They valued them,they showed them love and they lived mutually.
How then can we be so cruel to waste the life of these elephants just for the sake of their tusks? Why are poachers this heartless and nonchalant? 
What sin have these creatures committed?

The people of Kenya, Africa and indeed the world are in deep pains over the death of this 45 years old unique Kenyan elephant, Satao. I understand that it's big size had long made it a target for poachers who had been attempting to kill the super creature. They never succeeded until now.
One of most prized asset of Kenya is gone. I can feel the pain and it indeed hurts my heart that poachers have unleashed their deadly assault on Satao.
I have neither been to Kenya nor seen Satao physically but the stories of this great creature is one to savour. It pains me more to learn that the animal even knew that poachers were after its life and devised defensive mechanism of hiding its tusks in the bush to escape attack. It shows you how sweet life is for Satao as it is for us. It shows an animal that knew that some people were after its life. It depicts an animal that fought for its life in the best way it could. That Satao is gone is a devastating news.

Now,it gets even more frightening to learn that about 97 elephants have been killed by poachers in Kenya this year. If you view from my angle,you will realize the danger we are in. That we may wake up one day to see that there's no elephant on earth again. I pray this never happens but if we continue this way,it may be only a matter of time before it happens.

Again, according to a report in express.co.uk , about 100 elephants are killed just for their tusks. This darkens the future of this species on earth and we must do something about it. We must come to the rescue of these creatures.
Watching an elephant in its uniqueness gives me unspeakable joy,it gives me this special feeling that I don't want any harm to befall the creature. How then will I be denied the chance of watching my favorite elephant. It's painful.

Now, I think we should go beyond the mere anti-poaching campaign to enforce strict policies on our wildlife. The government of victim countries should,as a matter of urgency,appeal to the sensibilities of these poachers to make them understand the harm been caused by their actions. In fact, for me, poachers are wildlife terrorists and should be brought to book as soon as possible.
I hope all Ambassadors will take this anti-poaching campaign to their various regions and countries.

I am enjoying the opportunity to live in a generation that witnessed the elephant and I cannot deny my future kids that chance. We must preserve our elephants, we must!
Satao,I am pained at your death. You were great and will be remembered in years to come. Adieu!

Photo: courtesy of The Guardian.

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  • says :
    Sabin,I agree with you that we need concrete laws to protect these creatures.
    Posted 21-06-2014 17:43

  • says :
    Sad to know the condition of elephants a concrete law should be there so that all of the elephants would be in their natural state

    Posted 17-06-2014 16:21

  • says :
    @Arushi and Kapur, the culprits really needs to be brought to book to serve as deterrent to others who mat want to do such in the future.

    @Christy, thanks for the kind words, am really encouraged.
    Posted 17-06-2014 12:12

  • says :
    @Konstantinos and @Rohan, I agree with you both. It requires a collective effort.
    Posted 17-06-2014 12:07

  • says :
    Udeh, you have a really beautiful mind!
    I also feel deep sad about the elephant's death. The poaching is deeply connected with various social issue like a complicated matrix. Especially government's efficiency and economy problem.
    So for all species' good, the whole country should move forward to more livable land.
    Posted 17-06-2014 11:21

  • says :
    Poaching is like a murder & must be punished severally. The killers of Satao must be brought to justice.
    Thanks for the report Udeh.
    Posted 16-06-2014 17:04

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for highlighting this cruel deed by the desperate poachers. I read that the poachers had been trying to track down the elephant, who had been living in the Tsavo East National Park, using mobile phones and GPS. The combined forces of the Kenyan Wildlife Service and the Tsavo Trust had spent 18 months monitoring the gigantic animal?s movements using aerial reconnaissance and people on the ground. But in March vets rushed to Satao?s aid after poachers managed to find him and shoot him with poison arrows. How pathetic! My heart goes out to the innocent elephant. This act should be condemned to the depth and the people behind should be punished. There should be strict laws and monitoring to curb poaching.
    Posted 15-06-2014 18:59

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Deeply saddened by this news of Satao's death. He was killed by poachers using poisoned arrows.
    I agree with Konstantinos that it is Govt's responsibility, but raising awareness in media about anti-poaching is our responsibility.
    Posted 15-06-2014 13:02

  • says :
    Great work! In my opinion, it may be the government's responsibility to protect those animals, but since they are part of our international heritage, people from other countries should help too, to prevent such crimes.
    Posted 15-06-2014 06:27

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