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A person or a system for CHANGE?

by | 16-06-2014 02:57 recommendations 0

What does it take to bring a real change, a real difference in the lives of the people? I have been asking this question to myself, to many political, environmental, social authorities around for a long time. In a way I have my answer and in a way, I don?t have it as well. Is it a person, a leader that can bring a change or is one person?s endeavor futile in what has to be a network of system for change?


I would like to link this article here entirely to the environmental issues of my country Nepal and basically the region where I am studying which is Rampur, Chitwan. I am a young environmentalist working for many national and international environmental organizations. And on behalf of those organizations, I have given my efforts to make small children and youths aware of the environmental issues. But at times, I look back and wonder if any of those activities have bore any good fruits.

I was just arranging my curriculum vitae for a position as a volunteer in a local environmental organization when I got startled a while. By the few works I have done plus the numerous works done by several youths in my community plus the governmental actions plus the international interventions, it is a simple mathematical calculation that Chitwan, where I am currently living in had to be cleaner and greener by many folds. But no!  Results show otherwise. Then, where are we lacking?

If you tell a child not to throw garbage everywhere but in dustbins, he/she might do that. It is not a great challenge. The garbage when thrown in the dustbins when dumped properly in sanitary landfills and properly designed dumping sites, it is not a challenge either. But when you teach a child to throw the wastes in dustbins, he/she does that but unfortunately, the garbage doesn?t find a decent disposal then, it is a challenge now.

Getting back to my previous question, is a person enough for change? In this case, I must say all the environmental teachings are going in vain because of improper system. Here, in my place, it won?t be an exaggeration to say that no actions of awareness will be fruitful in long run if the whole system doesn?t function properly. In a country like ours, a child will soon forget that wastes have their places in dustbins and not on the streets if he/she sees no results.

Right now, environmental volunteers are not in position to create a system of sustainable environmental solutions. For that, the government has to take actions hand in hand. Environmental activities and programs have raised voice here in my region but I would love to see the voice take shape of work and not just any work but the work that leaves us a better place to breathe in

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  • says :
    Yea you are doing real great work, Cheer up Smriti :D
    Posted 26-06-2014 13:39

  • says :
    wow, you guys made me more enthusiastic. Thank you Arushi, Christy, Rohan and Raunak as always.
    Posted 25-06-2014 16:42

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I agree with Christy, Raunak & Arushi.
    Never ever even dream of giving up. We are all there for your support & moral boosting. We all face hardships & obstacles, but it makes us strong.
    Let every inaction by the authorities rebound by you with a bigger movement.
    It will take time but IT WILL HAPPEN.
    So cheer up & SMILE!!
    Posted 17-06-2014 17:32

  • says :
    Smriti, I read this article thorough. Until 1990s, Korea was also behind in the environment conservation programs. Changes and efforts seems so small. But now, there are many big NGOs are actively executing countrywide environmental campaigns and the government of Korea gives strong drive on these efforts. Till now, the changes seem so small and powerless but if it once grow widely, you will be the proud pioneer of environmental campaign and education filed. Thus, No worry, No give up! :)
    Posted 17-06-2014 11:03

  • says :
    Smriti, please do not feel disheartened. You have sowed a seed, plant is young, to become a tree, it needs time & constant watering.
    Like wise Persistent efforts & time factor will bring fruits.
    Please carry on with the same zest & zeal, Nepal will be cleaner & greener.
    Me & all Tunza Eco-Gen members pray for it.
    Perform the Karma & leave the result to God Almighty.
    Posted 16-06-2014 16:58

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Beautifully written . Thanks for sharing your viewpoint . I agree with you , without support from Govt and institutions and without change in system , environmental events at times simply become place of get together. Having said that , I also hold the opinion that we should not stop holding awareness events or efforts in our capacity because even if 5 people have changed their lifestyles coz' of our awareness events or lectures , it is not bad. But to have a bigger change on country or global level , systems must undergo change.
    Passionate environmentalists like you working as volunteers is very good for community to bring a change. Also Smriti , why don't you share these thoughts through your national newspaper to make your voice heard by concerned authorities.
    Posted 16-06-2014 14:42

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