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My Abroad Environmental Internship Experience

by | 11-07-2014 16:22 recommendations 0

My Abroad Environmental Internship  Experience

Throughout my entire working days in Hong Kong, I was hosted under the direct supervision of Mr. Eddie Chan, the co-founder and President of the Green Technology Consortium (GTC), Hong Kong. I was given the opportunity to travel to a numerous places together with Mr. Eddie in the mission to understand the development of green technology in Hong Kong. At the same time, I was able to observe the role of Green Technology Consortium and its services as a local non-for-profit and non-governmental environmental based organization working towards the promotion of sustainable application of green technology and environmental protection in Hong Kong. Moreover, I was being introduced to many of the GTC council members and visited their diverse environmental related business companies. The GTC internship program in Hong Kong has provided me countless platforms for self-exploration of green technology and environmental protection as I was affiliated with assorted operational management, environmentally-link social engagement as well as on-site real experience. Nonetheless, I also managed to gather many new insights, ideas and information about different aspects of environmental management and technology practices during my entire internship training here. And despite the vast economic and sociological differences between Hong Kong and Malaysia, both countries are still facing many environmental challenges. Hence, I strongly believe that the application of viable green technology and sustainable livelihood would be the ultimate solutions for environmental degradation problems.

My Major Environmental Involvement and Contribution in Hong Kong

I am truly blessed as I was given the golden opportunity to learn and engage into a diverse group of individuals, organizations and companies that actively involved in the environmental initiatives of green technology businesses in Hong Kong. In brief, I have divided my involvement in three different categories of the following:
a.       Operational contribution
b.      Active engagement and association and
c.       Fieldtrips and on-site visits participation.
A) Operational Contribution
1)      G-Link Development Ltd. (http://www.g-link.com.hk/index.php)

G-Link Development Ltd. was established in 2001 which committed to develop and promote environmentally sustainable products and services to the people of Hong Kong. The company gathers a group of dedicated professionals working to minimize pollution production and prevent damage to the environment. 
I spent almost one whole evening in the company to understand the companys products and services. And among many of them, their business scope includes:
1.      Environmental friendly energy engineering
2.      Basic insulation, thermal insulation and anti-corrosion ceramic coatings
3.      Ultraviolet and infrared thermal protective coatings
4.      Environmental remediation of rivers and lakes
5.      Energy saving products and facilities and
6.      Environmental friendly bamboo flooring.

2)      Column Write-up for Journal of IFM
Mr. Eddie and I spent time together to draft a short column write-up for the Journal of IFM with Cross border of Circular Economy in Hong Kong as the title of the write-up. It is a bi-lingual write-up where the content of the article commented on the existing limitation of waste management system (municipal solid waste, waste minimization and recycling problems) in Hong Kong. The write-up also covered GTCs recommendations as it emphasizes the importance of implementing green economy and introduction of circular economy in Hong Kong.
3) Presentation of Research Studies
On the 3rd of May 2014, I was given an opportunity to share my on-going Ph.D. research studies to some of the GTC members and the general public. The presentation last for 30 minutes, followed by a short Q&A session which took place at GTC office in Sheung Sui.

B) Active Engagement and Association
1)  Sha Tin District Glass Bottles Recycling Program
I was honored that on the 27th of April 2014, Mr. Eddie Chan and I were invited as special guests to attend the launching ceremony for the Second Phase of Sha Tin District Glass Bottles Recycling Program for Housing Estates. The event took place on the Sundays afternoon in an alfresco public auditorium hall near to the Sha Tin Marriage Registry building. The program attracted a big crowd as there were various activities including, information booths, artistic recycled glass bottles decoration exhibition and interactive games for both adults and children.
2) GTC Bi-monthly Council Members Meeting
During my entire stay with Mr. Eddie Chan, I also managed to attend the GTC bi-monthly council members meeting as an observer which was held on the 29th of April 2014 at Wan Chai. I was then officially introduced and get to know each and every one of the GTCs council members.
3) BNI Energy Chapter and King of Ceramic Tiles Holdings Ltd. (http://www.kot.com.hk/)
I felt that I was privileged enough as I was sponsored by Mr. Eddie Chan to attend one of the largest and globally renowned business networking and referral platform events of BNI Hong Kong Energy Chapter in Cityview Hotel, Yau Ma Tei. I managed to get in touch with a myriad group of businessmen and entrepreneurs throughout the whole session of the event. And most importantly, I got to meet a well-known corporate figure due to his successful leadership and entrepreneurship in Hong Kongs ceramic tile industry Mr. Binson Li, the CEO of King of Ceramic Tiles.


4) Knowledge Sharing with Ms. Liza Bjerke 

It was truly an amazing experience that coincidentally Ms. Liza Bjerke, one of the few 2013-2014 Thomas J. Watsons Fellows was visiting to Asia (Peoples Republic of China) during my internship study period here in Hong Kong. 
Ms. Liza was graciously invited by a local environmental organization in Hong Kong to give a short presentation on her global study of waste composting. Ms. Liza has travelled to many countries before arriving in Hong Kong as one of her pit stops to understand the adaptation of different types of locally practice waste composting methods. 
Both of us share our thoughts and ideas on the subject of integrated waste management as well as other global environmental issues. In fact, Ms. Liza and I also tagged along with Mr. Eddie Chan to visit to the Yan Oi Tong Ecopark Plastic Resources Recycling Centre in Tai Po.  


C) Fieldtrips and On-site Visits Participation
1) Site Visit to Tai Po District
On the 1st of May 2014, I accompanied Mr. Eddie Chan together with few other GTC council members to have a morning visit tour to Tai Po District. Among the highlights of the site visit were meeting and having a breakfast discussion with Dr. Lau Chee Sing, the elected Tai Poi District Councilor. We walked around the popular tourist sites of Tai Mei Tuk at Tai Po and surveying the environmental conditions of the area. Besides, we also take the chance to have a friendly discussion about future environmental development plans at Tai Mei Tuk with Dr. Lau. 


2) Visit to Hong Kong Organic Waste Recycling Centre Ltd. (HKOWRC)
I went to visit Mr. Henry Ngai, CEO of Hong Kong Organic Waste Recycling Centre (HKOWRC) on the 3rd of May 2014. Mr. Henry Ngai gave me a tour around his Centre as well as explaining the services that HKOWRC provides. Generally, HKOWRC provides daily food waste recycling service agricultural and auxiliary products from FoodCycle series sales and/or rental of waste management equipments carbon reduction consultancy and environmental education to the public. 
HKOWRC was initiated in 2012, and since then the company has adopted many advanced environmental initiatives in providing a one-stop recycling solutions to organic wastes such as sustainable organic waste collection, composting, organic farming and etc.


3) Site Visit to EASY Organic Farming Ltd. (http://www.easyorganicfarming.com/
I went to Tuen Mun alone on the 5th of May 2014 and visited EASY Organic Farming company. I managed to talk to the CEO of EASY Organic Farming, Mr. Mawin Cheung. There is something unique about the company as it aims to provide a new platform for modern peoples to enjoy the excitement of hands-on experience by cultivating their very own edible vegetables. EASY Organic Farming offers various innovative products and services in order to ensure everyone able to enjoy a fruitful farming experience regardless of their location either back at homes and/or working offices. 
All of the organic farming products are fun and simple to be used. The company also specializes in building all-kind of feasible and mobile organic farming products including farming in the rooftop, balcony, garden, indoor, fencing wall and many more. As many may not know that there are a numerous benefit of growing organic vegetables and that includes to ensure food freshness and safety cost saving release personal pressure better interpersonal relationship as well as it is environmentally and aesthetically pleasing.


4) Visit to Geb Impact Technology Co. Ltd. (http://www.gebimpact.com/
Mr. Eddie and I made a short visit to Geb Impact Technology company in Tseun Wan and we managed to meet the companys Managing Director, Mr. James Chang. The establishment of Geb Impact Technology is still very new where the company focuses on the influence study of different light pathways for the most ideal and optimum growth of vegetables. The company conducted pilot research studies with the illumination of LED lights and tested using lettuce plants. It will definitely be a great discovery breakthrough if Mr. James and his company manage to design a principle model that absorbs the most suitable light wavelength to provide the maximum growth of plant vegetables.


5) Baku Baku King and Hong Kong Hydroponic Plantation
Mr. Joe Lun, one of the GTC council members brought me to visit a food waste composter machine which located not too far from the Olympic MTR station. The Baku Baku King food waste composter machine that incorporates the technology from Japan was bought by the Sino Green (a subsidiary company of Hong Kong Sino Group) and place in operation at the Olympian City Shopping Mall. Besides that, Mr. Joe also brought me to visit a large-scaled hydroponic organic vegetables farming by the Hong Kong Hydroponics Plantation Group Ltd. in Yuen Long.


6) Fieldtrip to Macau SAR of the Peoples Republic of China
On the early morning of 7th May 2014, together with a group of GTC council members we went across the Hong Kong ocean to Macau via a turbojet ferry. It takes about an hour to reach Macau and subsequently, we proceeded the journey to Galaxy Macau via the free shuttle bus at the Macau Maritime Ferry Terminal. The purpose to Galaxy Macau was to have a regular inspection check on the Global Eco Resources (GER)s food waste decomposer machine. The South Korean built-in technology of food waste decomposer was bought by the management of Galaxy Macau Hotel, a five-star world class Asian resort hotel in Macau not long ago. We have a random look at the food waste decomposer which placed at the kitchen of the hotel to ensure that it functions well.
And subsequently, we continued our journey to Rio Hotel, Macau to meet and have an early lunch with Dr. Ho Wai Tim, the Chairman of Macau Ecological Society. There were also Mr. Sam Wong, Managing Director of EIA Consultancy Ltd. Co. Macao and his colleague, Mr. Chong Leong that joined us for the luncheon. All of us have an interactive discussion about the development and future partnership programs of sustainable green technologies in both Hong Kong and Macau regions.


7)  Study trip to the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK)
On my second last day in Hong Kong, I also take the opportunity together with Mr. Eddie Chan and Mr. James Chang to visit to the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). I very glad as we managed to meet Prof. Dr. Ho Kin Chung, the Dean for School of Science and Technology in OUHK. Prof. Dr. Ho is an environmental scientist where he actively researches on algae biomass production in treating and remediating contaminated wastewater. Besides that, we were also given an explanation tour around Lee Hysan Science Laboratories in OUHK led by Dr. Wong Yee Keung, a senior lecturer in OUHK where he works collaboratively with Prof. Dr. Ho on the algae research projects.


A total of 16-day internship training in Hong Kong was indeed a unique experience for me as I was afforded the opportunity to meet many distinguished people as well as traveling to various parts in Hong Kong and Macau regions. This international environmental based internship program has opened my eyes to a different aspect of understanding the development of green technology in Hong Kong. 
In fact, the internship program also has sharpened my knowledge and exposed me to a different perspective of green technology and environmental protection. And from the very short period of time in Hong Kong, I have managed to enhance global linkages among various professional networks in the field of green technologies in Hong Kong and Macau as well as created a mutual partnership and potential collaboration opportunities in the near future. Moreover, the GTC internship program has indirectly increased my social-cultural understanding and enriched my self-travelling experiences in the abuzz yet exciting and lively city of Hong Kong. 
The invaluable knowledge and site-exposure experience that I gained from GTC in Hong Kong would be insignificant if there is no dissemination of learning information back to the people and the communities in Malaysia. It is certainly utmost important that Malaysia regardless of the individuals, organizations and/or governments should  have a continual effort in evaluating all of the possible best management practices (BMP) of green technology application in the nation. 
In a nutshell, all of us need to recall that the pioneer application and development of green technologies are the caused and mending actions of what we have done in our past human intervention towards the environment.   

-The Mother Earth is just enough for everyones need but not everyones greed 

– Mahatma Gandhi


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  • Dormant user
  • recommend


  • says :
    Cool internship and very comprehensive report, Chuck! It's great to know that Hong Kong and China is investing in green technology and that you gained a lot of experience from the internship. Keep on going!
    Posted 20-07-2014 17:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW , you learnt a lot , got many opportunities and contributed amazingly during your internship , glad to know. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 16-07-2014 00:09

  • says :
    great friend

    Posted 14-07-2014 20:28

  • says :
    What an awesome experience! Congratulations for your successful completion of the internship in GTC! I am sure it will do great contribution for your future career :)
    Posted 14-07-2014 09:39

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Great to hear that you contribute a lot in HK. Thanks for sharing your experience with us :)
    Posted 14-07-2014 02:20

  • says :
    great work! nice contribution
    Posted 13-07-2014 20:05

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing your learnings and experiences from your internship. :). And keep on doing your environment related works.
    Posted 12-07-2014 18:44

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Wat an awesome intern work bravo for your experience
    Posted 12-07-2014 02:05

  • says :
    What an organized report!
    It's nice to see that you contributed a lot in Hong Kong
    Posted 11-07-2014 23:04

  • says :
    Hi Joseph... Nice to know you here too. Yeah.. I will and maybe you may visit to Malaysia too. Keep in touch.... :D
    Posted 11-07-2014 17:11

  • says :
    Hi Chuck! Congrats! I just knew today that you are an Eco-generation ambassador! keep it up! I'll read your articles and try to comment at each one. Hope you can visit Philippines again! =)
    Posted 11-07-2014 16:57

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