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What is climate change?

by | 11-07-2014 19:49 recommendations 0

As the technology is advanced, all the artificial products and buildings damage not only human but also the Earth because they release detrimental pollutants, that make the Earth warm and harm people's health. Especially, carbon dioxide, which is released from the factories, vehicles, and other plastic products, is well-known as the most influential pollutant to warm up the Earth. Due to the environment destroying contaminants, the Earth is getting warm(we call 'global warming') by absorbing ultraviolet rays, the icebergs are melting, and the sea level is increasing right now. There are much more phenomena that are including in 'Climate Change.'

To know more specifically about climate change, I will explain with more details. Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions. It is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant reason of recent climate change.

Evidence for climate change is taken from a variety of sources that can be used to reconstruct past climates. Reasonably compete global records of surface temperature are available beginning from the mid-late 19th century. For earlier periods, most of the evidence is indirect climatic changes are inferred from changes in proxies, indicators, that reflect climate, such as vegetation, ice cores, sea level change, and glacial geology.


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  • says :
    Yes Christy you are right. The climate change is not only the threat of global warming but also the the increasing frequency of extreme weather events as hurricanes, very heavy rains, droughts, floods, etc.
    Posted 17-07-2014 02:37

  • says :
    That picture makes me so sad and derives home your point clearly...we have to save our planet
    Posted 16-07-2014 18:24

  • says :
    as small small drops of water can make ocean small initiatives from all will surely help to combat climate change impacts

    Posted 14-07-2014 19:13

  • says :
    @Konstantinos, Climate change has vast meaning, I think. It means abnormal and consistent weather condition like abnormally hot, abnormally cold, abnormally raining, abnormally dry...
    Posted 14-07-2014 09:37

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    We all can do our bit to save our mother earth. Because if we all ignore climate change our planet will become more and more out of balance untill it is too late.

    Posted 14-07-2014 02:16

  • says :
    Thanks for the details! Everyone knows abou climate change but many of us have not yet understood the actuall meaning of it. I have heard that probably if the earth's temperature grows, more clouds will block a great amount of the sun's radiation, finally reversing the temperature to normal levels. What do you think?
    Posted 13-07-2014 23:36

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing. A truly insightful editorial.
    Posted 13-07-2014 22:46

  • says :
    global warming is really very very disgusting....
    steps are need to be taken.....
    thanks for posting it...!
    Posted 13-07-2014 19:55

  • says :
    Climate change is the most hot issue of present days. Many steps are to be implemented as soon as possible. Thank you for sharing it.

    Posted 12-07-2014 18:47

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Sure as more and more technologies are introduced sure we gonna have reduction on global warming
    Posted 12-07-2014 17:03

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Great thanks for sharing
    Posted 12-07-2014 01:45

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for emphasising cause and effect of climate change. We must make eco friendly choices to reduce carbon footprint and hence minimse climate change.
    Posted 12-07-2014 01:05

  • says :
    That picture is devastating..
    We must prevent climate change throuought a variety of sources as you said
    Posted 11-07-2014 23:03

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