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Women Awarness on Climate Change and Solid waste management.

by | 12-07-2014 18:15 recommendations 0



"If you educate  a man, simply you educate a individual but if educate a women, you educate a family", considering this proverb my friends( Beedu Pokhrel, Deepti Karki  and Kalpana Pudasaini) and I conducted  a "Women Awareness Program on Climate Change and Solid Waste Management" on behalf of Tunza-Eco generation in collaboration with local women's group (Shanti Ama Samuha).

group photo

Group photo after program.

Every living being in this earth share a common earth and it's a inborn right of every living being to live in a healthy environment. We humans, a part of nature creation, are blessed with a beautiful and creative mind to support nature for maintaining the favorable environment for other creations to live. But unfortunately ,we have gone against and have been so self centered that we are leading to loss of s flora and fauna everyday  and ultimately to the extinction of humans in days to come. So, there is  urgency in implementation of the measures to mitigate the biodiversity loss and only humans are the creature who can ameliorate the situation. As  I mentioned above,  women can be a efficient means to conserve nature. So, with the objective of creating awareness on local women and involving them reduction of negative activities on environment, this program was conducted.

3 hours program was organized focusing the womens of Lanku,Chitwan, Nepal on the date july 9, 2014. Program was dignified by the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Hom Bahadur Basnet, Women leader and social activist Mina Kharel and many other representatives from Tunza- Eco generation, National Youth Action on Climate Change and Youth Eco Network.


Guests giving speech.

First of all we introduced a term Climate change and then presented on consequences  , causes and their role in mitigating the  devastating impacts of climate change.  We focused on the consequences that they are facing in their daily life and their role. Afterwards, presentations were made  on solid waste, types of solid waste and management of decomposable and non decomposable solid waste. Reliable photos, videos and events were also shared. Finally we conducted a mass green quiz and  awarded  winners with prize.


  Awaring womens


Awarding winners of quiz.

This program was very interactive, participants were keenly interested in knowing about the most hot issue of present days, climate change   and they have realized how scary conditions will be, if actions forwarded  now. Finally, they committed following points to adopt as soon as possible:

  • To conserve and plant trees to maintain greenery .
  • To adopt reduce, reuse and recycle technique in solid waste management.
  • Not to burn plastics and other materials.


Women making commitments.


Providing token of love.

Though, the program was very small and short , it was very effective and fruitful. Seeing the enthusiasm of participants, I felt that programs at community level carries much more significance and they are utmost to bring a real change. This program cannot bring a vast difference  but it obviously will add a drop of water in ocean and Yes! "Every drop makes ocean."


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  • says :
    Wow, you did a really great job! I am proud of you :D
    I agree with the sentence "If you educate a man, simply you educate a individual but if educate a women, you educate a family". It's really well said.
    Posted 14-07-2014 09:36

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Wow..you did a commendable job, Ishwora. Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 14-07-2014 01:54

  • says :
    thank you very much for sharing this article Ishwora, You really did a great job.

    It is very vital to link the environment issues with the daily chores so that they would not feel extra burden and commit for environmental protection, like you did. Great work, keep up the good work.
    Posted 14-07-2014 00:15

  • says :
    Thank you everyone for going through my article and your compliments. :)
    Posted 13-07-2014 23:54

  • says :
    such a good step... great work
    Posted 13-07-2014 19:50

  • says :
    really greatt job sisters!!!
    Posted 13-07-2014 19:13

  • says :
    nice work :)

    Posted 13-07-2014 14:17

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing your very practical approach and effective awareness programme. You really did a good job by telling women about climate change and their role to mitigate it . I am sure if all of us do such small small things for a segment of society , it will have an overall big impact.
    Posted 13-07-2014 01:42

  • Burton Dorley says :
    wow awesome we need to spread the message about climate change through awareness. nice report and thanks for sharing this
    Posted 12-07-2014 21:22

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