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Environment-friendly bulbs in Dubai Traffic Signals-Part of Green Economy Drive

by Arushi Madan | 15-07-2014 17:04 recommendations 0

As all of you know that Dubai aims to be one of the most sustainable cities by 2020.

As one step ahead in that direction and taking another gear ahead on the Green Economy  Drive  , The Roads and Transports Authority (RTA) , Dubai  has started replacing traffic lights in Dubai with halogen bulbs using LED power-saving technology.

The project will be carried out in phases and phase one is now under way.The bulbs will also save the RTA around Dh900,000 a year in expenditure. The  LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting system lasts longer — about ten years — while using the least power. The low-maintenance bulbs are also more reliable and efficient than conventional lighting. These  bulbs optimise consumption by as much as 55 per cent, besides contributing to conserving the environment through reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

 The features of the system enable better control of the light when compared to conventional bulbs which would reduce the light wastage. Additionally, it enables symmetrical light distribution at the target spots, and the technology has auto-dimming feature according to the degree of external lighting. These lights can be clearly visible during daytime without being impacted by sunray reflections on the lenses.

Source :Gulf News


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  • Dormant user Arushi Madan
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello arushi
    I hope you are doing well
    Very impressive and appreciative
    Thank you so much for your report
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 28-05-2020 13:25

  • says :
    Really impressive. I hope all huge tourist cities would emulate that initiative!
    Posted 16-07-2014 18:18

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi for sharing the good news in detail! Great to hear that!
    It's lucky to live such a innovative and eco-friendly city like Dubai :)
    Posted 16-07-2014 08:47

  • says :
    LED power saving technology sounds great as this is efficient long lasting., also reduces carbon emission anD its a better step taken toward sustainable development. Also it seems to be ecofriendly .
    Posted 15-07-2014 22:59

  • says :
    Yes this LED bulb is really awesome. it gives much brighter light compared to CFL or Tubelight. i really love this light. Normal CFL would consume 13-15 watt while LED at our home consumes only 6 watt. :)
    Posted 15-07-2014 19:30

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