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Awareness event using Eco-Generation Promotional Goods

by Rohan Kapur | 15-07-2014 18:34 recommendations 0

On 3rd July 2014, while I was on vacation to my motherland, India, I conducted an event using Tunza Eco-Generation?s promotional goods on the topic, ?Go Green, Help Clean.? This was an international promotional event as it was done in Maharashtra, India. This lecture focused on enlightening the students of Kala Vigyan Mahavidyalaya for Boys in Wardha District, Maharashtra. The students were very keen to know about the steps we can take towards a litter free environment at home and at school.

The awareness campaign revolved around the solutions of a littered environment and how we, as school students can do our part to combat this menace. During the event many new and interesting ideas were shared by the students who were enthusiastic about what I was telling them such as they should appoint litter monitors for the different areas of the school during the lunch time to ensure that no student litters on the school grounds. To add value to their budding thoughts, I suggested some ideas that were already being implemented in our school, DPS Sharjah such as framing a litter policy, having separate bins for Bio degradable and Non-biodegradable waste in each classroom.

I also told them about this environmental networking platform, Tunza Eco-generation and how it was formed, when was it founded and what facilities does it provide to young minds like us. They were very happy to know about all this and seemed very keen to check out this platform. I also told them about the fact that littering was a hot topic discussed on this website on many of the resources like Land, Water, Living Green, Ecosystem, etc.

Additionally, I distributed the flyers among them which give a short, crisp and written explanation about Eco-Generation and its various competitions. I was also helped by my fellow Ambassador, Raunak Kapur who ensured the smooth flow of this event. In a nutshell, it was a very informative session for the boys of the KVM School and a new experience of sharing my knowledge and promoting Eco Generation to the members of a society with a different lifestyle


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  • Dormant user Rohan Kapur
  • recommend


  • says :
    Its so nice to see how you give back to your community, keep up the good work.
    Posted 19-07-2014 11:23

  • says :
    great know about your activities, its good to share knowledge and information among the students.

    Posted 16-07-2014 21:30

  • says :
    It must have been a great trip for you :) How sweet the trip to homeland is!
    And you did a great job, knowledge sharing and conveying messages for the environmental protection is always rewarding work.
    Good job, Rohan!
    Posted 16-07-2014 08:44

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good initiative " Go Green , Help Clean" .Thanks for sharing, Rohan.
    Posted 15-07-2014 23:55

  • says :
    good work
    Posted 15-07-2014 22:50

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