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Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium ( NRRC )

by | 15-07-2014 19:04 recommendations 0

Nepal a country vulnerable to the earthquake, landslide and flood at the present context. In 2011, the Government of Nepal launched the Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction Consortium (NRRC).  NRRC is a unique arrangement that unites humanitarian development and financial partners with the government of Nepal in order to reduce vulnerability to natural disaster. So based on the Hyogo Framework five priorities of action and Nepal?s National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management ,the NCCR has identified 5 flagship priorities for sustainable disaster risk management.

a) Flagship 1: School and Hospital Safety.

Flagship 1 aims to build the earth resilience of school and hospital through retrofitting , rebuilding , training , awareness raising and safety measures that ensure these buildings are operational after major disaster led under Ministry of Education, Asian Development Bank, Ministry of health and Population. A study of school earthquake safety in 2003 revealed that of the 1,100 buildings in 643 public schools in Kathmandu Valley, over 60% were at risk of collapse during a major earthquake. These efforts will protect the most vulnerable disaster while ensuring critical school and hospital service remain.


b) Flagship 2: Emergency Preparedness and Response.

Flagship 2, led by Red Cross and the Ministry of Home Affairs, seeks to enhance the Government of Nepal's preparedness and response capabilities at the national, regional and local level .Current assessments suggest that a major earthquake in Kathmandu will result in the deaths of 100,000 people, hundreds of thousands injured and close to 1 million displaced. This involves developing the Government?s ability to respond in a coordinated manner with all in-country resources including the armed forces as well as integrating incoming international humanitarian and military assistance.

Preparedness and Response

c) Flagship 3: Flood Risk management in the Koshi River Basin.

The Koshi River is the largest Basin in Nepal. In 2008 a major flood in the Koshi basin displaced nearly 60,000 families in Nepal as well as Bihar, India and caused massive loss in livelihoods. Under Flagship 3, led by the World Bank and the Ministry of Irrigation, the initiatives focus on both the short term goal of strengthening institutional capacities while improving flood management and mitigation in the long term with the aim of protecting Nepal from flood related disasters and sustaining development.


d) Flagship 4: Community based Disaster Risk Reduction

Flagship 4 is coordination and advocacy mechanism for community based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) in Nepal. Communities are the first responders to natural disasters and require the skills and resources to effectively mitigate prepare and respond to disasters. It aim to build common understanding and approach among many organization contributing to CBDRR activities to track progress against national targets and encourage greater investment for scaling up CBDRR across country. Led by the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies and the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Flagship 4 has the ambitious aim of making 1000 Village Development Committees (VDCs) disaster resilient by using an agreed upon set of characteristics for disaster resilience.


e) Flagship 5 : Policy/ Institutional Strengthening

Sustainable disaster risk management in Nepal requires strengthened policies and legislation institutions with technical and functional capacity. The United Nations Development Programme and the Ministry of Home Affairs lead Flagship 5 with the aim of enhancing the Government of Nepal's disaster risk management capacity centrally and at the municipal and local level. This important task includes strengthening building codes and land use planning, and improving national institutions for disaster risk management.


Source: Academic Syllabus of SchEMS



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  • says :
    @Abhishek, Thank you for more input :)
    Posted 18-07-2014 13:59

  • says :
    welcome bruton
    Posted 18-07-2014 12:23

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Thanks for sharing a little insight of Nepal
    Posted 17-07-2014 13:03

  • says :
    Welcome Rahul, Government always concerns about its people but during the implementation phase the problem arises.

    I agree, yes in the municipalities it is compulsory to have Government engineer to design earthquake proof building for residential and Multi-storage buildings. But the monitoring mechanism is weak due to which the vulnerability arises.

    Though now days its more safer building than before. :)
    Posted 17-07-2014 11:19

  • says :
    Welcome Christy lee, As implementation mechanism, visibly we can see the retrofitting activities in different Government School during Environmental Awareness programs in School.

    I completely agree with your statement, people recognize it costly.
    Posted 17-07-2014 11:06

  • says :
    Yes anjali Cooperation and Coordination is vital as you told. These day the Red cross society is organizing Earthquake preparedness for Safer Communities (EPS) in Different communities of Kathmandu, lalitpur and Bhaktapur Districts to aware people about :

    1. Recurring accidents and Community Rescuers Group
    2. Preparedness for family safety and response.
    3. First- Aid and Basic Life Safety
    4. Incident Command System and Triage.
    5. Management of dead bodies.

    For more Detail:

    Posted 17-07-2014 11:01

  • says :
    Welcome Hyong kim. Yes these plans has been formulation as the national action plan by Nepal toward the Hyogo Frame work action held in Japan Kobe, Hyogo on 2005, January.So the plan of actions vary according to countries vulnerabilities.
    Posted 17-07-2014 10:51

  • says :
    thank you for sharing the information.
    we are happy to know about the government concer for their citizen. recently, there has been set strict rules while building home in nepal. that is to say its compulsion for us to have one governmental engineer assuring house is earthquake proof. thank god :D
    Posted 17-07-2014 00:50

  • says :
    Thank you for detailed information about NRRC! It's a good step forward.
    People recognize it as COST until the disaster happens.
    But smart people know the real cost of none-readiness.
    Posted 16-07-2014 08:41

  • says :
    lets put our hands together for sustainable disaster risk management in our country...
    Posted 15-07-2014 22:43

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing. I hope these plans and ideas can contribute to minimizing earthquake damage in Nepal.
    Posted 15-07-2014 21:45

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