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[World] Call for applications - 2019 Junior Engineering Academy

by Eco Generation | 19-07-2019 11:50 Comments 10 Comments

2019 Junior Engineering Academy

2019 Junior Engineering Academy
Call for Applications – Global Participants
November 18th-22nd, 2019, Seoul, Republic of Korea





Eco-generation of Samsung Engineering would like to offer opportunities to young students all over the world to participate in the 2019 Junior Engineering Academy which will be held in Seoul, South Korea on November 18th-22nd, 2019 to explore the various environmental awareness activities.


Winners will be given the opportunity to participate in the 2019 Junior Engineering Academy which program includes specialist lectures, laboratory demonstrations and experiments, hands-on projects, presentation competitions and a variety of other activities in order to advance their awareness on the role and commitment to energy efficiency, energy conservation, and mitigating energy-related impacts on the environment. Junior Engineering Academy will be held at Samsung GEC, headquarter of Samsung Engineering in Seoul, South Korea.




• To raise awareness among youth within the community towards conservation of environment and energy efficiency.

• To grow future eco-leaders by enhancing global leadership resulting from participating a variety of activities throughout the Academy.

• To fulfill social responsibility through educating the future generation.


To find out more, please visit E-gen Event>Junior Engineering Academy




  • Harshdev Punera says :
    Wonderful opportunity. Thank you Tunza! :)
    Posted 16-08-2019 11:47

  • Chitwan C says :
    What a great event, I??m not eligible but would encourage the youth to take part!
    Posted 08-08-2019 13:16

  • Bwalya Bwalya says :
    Wonderful opportunity tunza..
    Posted 02-08-2019 08:44

  • Bwalya Bwalya says :
    Too bad I have exams during this period. Would have loved to participate.
    Posted 02-08-2019 08:43

  • Anishka Jha says :
    Junior Engineering Academy is a wonderful platform to enrich our knowledge towards sustainability of our environment. I had attended it last year and the experience I had there it still lingers in my mind.
    Posted 30-07-2019 00:34

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    I am really excited for the event. Thank you @EcoGeneration for this wonderful opportunity
    Posted 24-07-2019 16:22

  • Nikolay Dagaev says :
    Where's my 17 years?...
    Posted 24-07-2019 04:05

  • Dibya Bhatta says :
    Hello ecogeneration!
    Thank you for the opportunity!&#128522
    Posted 20-07-2019 01:43

  • Mudy Mussa says :
    I wish it was available until to the people of 25 years old.. we all wish to have this opportunity but it is available to the age limit of 17... @Eco-generation I wish you could upgrade this so as we of 18-25 to have this opportunity as well.
    Posted 19-07-2019 21:24

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