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Ganoderma lucium

by Sonika Pariyar | 04-05-2020 14:00 recommendations 0

Introduction and infection
Gendoderma lucidum has worldwide distribution in both tropical and temperate geographical region ,growing as a parasite or saprotroph on a wide variety of trees.The fungus is identified as a series root pathogen of cash crops,forest plantation and tress in natural forest.It enters a trees through wounds,tears and cut parts.The fungus infect a tree root system slowly,break wood component ,such as lignin and cellulose and may take 10-20 years to kill the tree.Older trees and tress suffering from environmental stress are more susceptible to infection.
The infection of fungi can be managed by maintaing trees through sound cultural pratices .Each year ,fresh organic mulch should be applied around the base of tress.Mechanical injuries should be avoided to potential hosts.
The fungus has long history of use for promoting health and logitivity in China ,Japan and other Asian country.In Nepal,it hasnot been used for medicinal purpose.It has been used for cancer,aging,boosting the immune system to prevent or treat infection having high pharmacological effect.However,it is not edible unless it is broken down and powdered and mixed with meals and desert.



  • Nepal Youth Sonika Pariyar
  • recommend


  • Paras Kunwar says :
    Hello Sonika,
    I hope you are fine and doing well,
    I really enjoyed reading your report,
    You are doing a great job.. Best wishes...
    Thank you for sharing,
    Posted 20-07-2021 13:49

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Thank you Asmeeta Gaire Didi!
    Posted 06-05-2020 22:06

Sonika Pariyar

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sagar Koirala says :
    Hello Sonika,
    Green Cheers

    Thanks for your insightful report on Ganoderma. Keep Writing.

    Sagar Koirala
    Posted 06-05-2020 18:26

  • Pooja Gyawali says :
    Hello Sonika!!
    Thank you for sharing this informative report.
    Posted 06-05-2020 16:52

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello sonika
    I hope you are doing well
    Nice report on ganoderma
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Keep writing
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 06-05-2020 16:51

Sonika Pariyar

Sonika Pariyar

  • Heemani Singh says :
    Thank you so much for sharing your report Sonika
    Posted 06-05-2020 08:59

  • Meghana Fessy says :
    Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 06-05-2020 02:24

  • Samikshya Pandey says :
    Thanks for sharing such an informative report.
    Posted 05-05-2020 17:35

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    thanks for sharing this informative report
    Posted 05-05-2020 01:27

Sonika Pariyar

Sonika Pariyar

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Thank you Bal krishna dai!
    Posted 04-05-2020 23:21

Sonika Pariyar

  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Hello sonika,
    So glad to hear from you!!
    Keep on writing on such unique topics.
    Posted 04-05-2020 21:48

  • Bal krishna Pandey says :
    thanks for sharing this informative report anout ganoderma
    Posted 04-05-2020 19:18

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Hello Sonika!!

    I hope you are fine and doing great.
    It was really worthful going through the report.

    Ganoderma lucium is widely found on tropical and temperature region of the world.

    Keep writing and shining.
    Hope to know more from you.

    Warm regards,

    Posted 04-05-2020 17:31

  • Biddhya pandey says :
    Hello sonika,
    Hope you are fine and doing well
    Thank you for sharing such a worthy information
    I enjoyed reading yr report

    Green cheers,
    Posted 04-05-2020 15:22

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