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Women's Day :The day to promise yourself

by Jasmine Karki | 09-03-2020 00:58 recommendations 0

Every year March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day.with the aim to help nations worldwide eliminate discrimination against women .The day also focused on helping women gain full and equal participation in global development.

Developed countries may have achieved the goals regarding the day but, our like developing countries is still stiffened between the conservative beliefs and patriarchal societies. Though the constitution addresses the gender equality talking about rights and opportunities, but its all about the implementations of those talked rights and opportunities. And for that, concept of the people has to be changed ..

Let this years Women's day be celebrated with the promise and commitments that no girl is going to be confined between the four walls, harassed and exploited physically or mentally..Indeed, education will be provided to them and competition should be made healthy regardless of gender..

To bring the change , lets be the change!!
Happy International Women's Day to everyone!!

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  • Dormant user Jasmine Karki
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello jasmine
    I hope you are doing well
    Wonder way!
    Keep up with promises
    Thank you so much for this wonderful report.
    Keep writing!
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 16-05-2020 10:36

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Thank you everyone for your kind words!!
    It means alot to me...
    Posted 30-03-2020 19:47

  • Sameer Singh says :
    Happy belated womens day.
    Posted 28-03-2020 09:41

  • Rachu Khanal says :
    Thanks for report
    Posted 26-03-2020 10:56

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Thank u @ horticulturist susmita for your words
    Posted 17-03-2020 15:54

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings jasmine
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing

    Green cheers
    Posted 15-03-2020 16:20

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Thank u @susmita di
    Posted 12-03-2020 11:12

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Thank u @ Prakriti Ghimire
    Posted 11-03-2020 18:22

Prakriti  Ghimire

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    Thank u @Heemani SIngh
    Posted 09-03-2020 10:22

  • Heemani Singh says :
    Green Cheers.Happy Womens Day .
    Posted 09-03-2020 09:32

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