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The crucial importance of treating and preserving pure water!

by | 12-11-2015 06:59 recommendations 0

The water gave us our foremost environment to develop as microbes and organisms. Yet today we have been causing it distress of all sorts.

And the aftermath of that comes right back affecting us. Karma, eh? It becomes so easy to assume that potable water is available to the world with ease constantly, unless we stand in the shoes of the 900 million who have no access to this bliss. If we were to give a scaled analogy of how big that number is in terms of population and countries, the number of individuals without access to water equals to the population of US, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, England, Italy, Spain, Japan, Australia and Norway. If you?re poor or of certain racial ethnicities, research conducts that you?d most likely pay 10 times more for water than the rich.
Not only humans, all of our biodiversity suffers from this. Unable to access clean water, all sorts of animals suffer. They either die from thirst or are infected by deadly viruses, diseases, carcinogenic elements or heavy compounds due to the harmful dirty water in banks. This is a major concern when we consider the habitat of endangered species. They could easily become extinct.
The trees and the ground is affected as well. As the water is impure it contains deadly chemicals for the flora and fauna. And the chemicals become part of the ground?s minerals – causing the land to become unsuitable for forests or farms.
Our fish suffer the quickest! The marine life depends upon water. As said by Anthony B. Rath,
?Untreated sewage, garbage, fertilizers, pesticides, industrial chemicals, plastics ... most of the pollutants on land eventually make their way into the ocean, either deliberately dumped there or entering from water run-off and the atmosphere. Not surprisingly, this pollution is harming the entire marine food chain - all the way up to humans.?
Our marine life either evacuates the affected water areas – thus reducing our fish stock – or is killed by the heavy metal compounds and carcinogenic elements dumbed into the water by industries.
We should immediately take action against this. As water has been perpetually our source of food, life and travel route. We shan?t let it deteriorate. Regulations should be made, and actions taken against the illegal dumping of chemical wastes against industries. And affected regions should be sterilized and purified!


Taken from shutterstock.

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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    The irony about water is that it can not be produced artificially. We are 100% dependent on nature.
    Therefore, its' imperative that its misuse, pollution & waste dumping in rivers must be stopped.
    Well reported Zuhaib.
    Posted 14-11-2015 16:16

  • says :
    I appreciate this. I also detest it when water is misused, wasted and mismanaged turning it into something else. Keep it up.
    Posted 14-11-2015 06:40

  • says :
    This is surely useful. As an ambassador, I will be reporting on water scarcity this month. Water is might be one of the world's greatest resource in scarcity if we do not learn how to use it efficiently. Great piece
    Posted 13-11-2015 18:03

  • says :
    I Hope you all found it useful!
    Posted 12-11-2015 06:59

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