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Planting saplings with the children

by | 27-08-2015 12:45 recommendations 0

On August 24,I organized sapling plantation in government school in my village.
I , along with all the students planted various kinds of plants in the school premises.I told the students about the benefits that plants offer- Fresh air to breathe,fruits,shade and the list goes on.I told them that it is very important that we plant more and more trees to combat the environmental problems that we are facing today like climate change and global warming.
We watered the saplings that we had planted.Then all of us  took a pledge that we would plant at least two plants every year to help conserve and preserve our environment.
I told the students that we,as the youth of today , can use our enthusiasm to do something worthwhile for our planet.With small steps like these,we indeed can make a difference.
Watering the plants Encouraging the children to water the plants Taking a pledge Planting the saplings

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  • says :
    Thank you Arushi.Tree plantation indeed is simple yet the most effective way to protect our environment.
    Posted 29-08-2015 15:27

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good job ,Harmanjot . Tree plantation is one of the best and most efficient ways to combat global warming. By involving these children , you have taught them a very important environmental message. I like the way you carried it out. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 29-08-2015 03:00

  • says :
    Thanks Luiz :)
    Posted 28-08-2015 15:49

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a sweet activity Harmanjot. You did a great job. Keep it up! =)
    Posted 28-08-2015 12:31

  • says :
    Thanks Dinesh.Yes,all of us should encourage the children to help conserve our environment.
    Posted 27-08-2015 22:24

  • says :
    Harmanjot, you have done great work dude. Planting tree is itself a great work, involving child in such work is very appreciable. Children will learn practically. It will help them to know about importance of conserving the environment. Thanks for sharing...:)
    Posted 27-08-2015 20:41

  • says :
    Thanks Sandhya :)
    Posted 27-08-2015 20:37

  • says :
    wow!!appreciating work u r doing....thumbs up!! :)
    Posted 27-08-2015 19:59

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