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Cremation toxicity and roles of trees at Pashupatinath, Nepal : A CASE STUDY

by | 24-08-2015 21:46 recommendations 0

Today I visited one of the most popular religious site of Nepal: Pashupatinath Temple.I studied the nature and environment in its territory that delineate the roles of trees to minimize cremation toxicity at Pashupatinath.

Pashupatinath is one of the most sacred temple of Hindu in Nepal and one of the sub-continent's greatest Shiva's site.  It is situated in the bank of Bagmati river in Kathmandu, Gaushala. It is the most renowned hindu's cremation site of Nepal. In Hindu rituals, a person after he/she dies, the body is burnt with a belief that the soul gets rest is peace in heaven. Pashupatinath is not only the cremation site for deaths of Kathmandu but even of its nearer districts like Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and others.

During cremation, a body combusts at around 900-1000 degree Celsius. A human body consists of various elements, materials which when burnt produce foul odor and harmful gas. In pashupatinath, the cremation is open and hence Sulfurous odor which is hazardous to health and methane byproducts gas are released into the air. Gaseous emission are the greatest source of cremation pollution. Emissions include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride gas, hydrogen fluoride, mercury vapor which are very harmful. Organic compounds such as benzenes, furans, acetone are also emitted and these react with the hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride under combustion conditions to form polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) both of which are carcinogens. A study by the Cremation Association of North America has found that filtering crematorium fumes has little effect on the toxins released. But as cremation is openly done in Nepal, it is not possible for filtering crematorium fumes.

However, the territory of pashupatinath, except those occupied by temples and monuments, consist of luxurious trees and verdant woods. The woods in pashupatinath territory consist of pollutants consuming species of Pine, Walnut, Bamboo, Cassia,Banayan, Neem, Ficus religiosa along with wide species of green forest which plays a vital role in purrifying the air in pashupatinath territory.

It is true, however, that, say, a forest around the factory would help clean the air and absorb much of the pollution, so that planting trees is always a good idea, of course. Similarly, in pashupatinath, despite the pollution caused by cremation, the verdant trees have balanced the atmosphere and air health. Trees absorb carbon dioxide to grow and build biomass. One of the best things that trees are good at is removing particulates from the air. The particulates emitted along with gases from the cremated bodies stick to the leaves and are washed off by rain. This is actually a function of the leaves since it means that trees get to catch floating sources. This indeed helps to make the atmosphere and air around pashupatinath free of those harmful particulates emitted from burning bodies. Trees acts as natural air conditioners and air filters. The trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is very essential for all the living creatures on earth. They help in purifying the air by absorbing toxic gases, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, etc. The verdant trees and woods of pashupatinath have also formed deer park for conservation of deer wildlife. Thus, trees and forests in pashupatinath territory is purifying atmosphere on one hand and on the other protecting the deer wild habitat too.

Although, pashupatinath is the largest cremation site of Nepal and is responsible for producing great amount of hazardous gases from cremated bodies, no serious issues regarding health hazards on public has been found yet and this is because of the green trees forest in its territory. Hence, this depicts the roles and importance of nature, greeneries, trees for protecting human health. Trees are not benefiting us only in sense as source of timbers, foods, medicines but also by purifying the air we breathe each second. So, let's preserve trees, lets preserve our health. 

proofing cremation n greenery deer park Pashupatinath cremation Pashupatinath cremation

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  • says :
    This thought should be exaggerated among the potential youths of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. Its youth who can act dexterously. People who have acted to clean Bagmati has been like sunset these days and its really gloomy. Some hooks need to be created so those projects could revive to clean Bagmati. Ofcourse, trees above al,l have been maintaining atmosphere and sustaining respiratory health of people around but if no serious pioneering acts are carried out to clean the water source then it will for sure bode some evil health issues in the coming days.
    Posted 26-08-2015 02:04

  • says :
    This thought should be exaggerated among the potential youths of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. Its youth who can act dexterously. People who have acted to clean Bagmati has been like sunset these days and its really gloomy. Some hooks need to be created so those projects could revive to clean Bagmati. Ofcourse, trees above al,l have been maintaining atmosphere and sustaining respiratory health of people around but if no serious pioneering acts are carried out to clean the water source then it will for sure bode some evil health issues in the coming days.
    Posted 26-08-2015 02:04

  • says :
    The waste dispose from Pasupatinath Temple directly mix up with Bagmati River and adulterate its natural quality. Due to disease proliferation is seen in its periphery and Terai . Thank you brother for sharing about Cremation toxicity . We have seen 'Bagmati Sarsafai Abhiyan' is not sustained because of many reasons. Of course, planting tree around its periphery may be best suitable option. It will conserve biodiversity in this area as well as help to make green environment...Thank you brother for such useful informative article.
    Posted 25-08-2015 17:29

  • says :
    good article bro! :) if there were no enough trees then the condition would be worse dan we could imagine..but the problem of water pollution still exists...childrens staying at pasupatinath,they earn their livelihoods by collecting the coins from inside the water that are offered to the dead bodies...and use the same water to bath,wash clothes etc..so we should now think about the water as well... keep sharing bro :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 10:31

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