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by | 25-08-2015 18:41 recommendations 0

Global warming has been curse to those farmers who toils whole day and night to have a morsel of food.their toil is vapourizing along with the fumes of sulphur and carbon dioxide.Its also true tha global warming is not a suddden diaster instead is the result of haphazardous activity of human himself.Climate change is real and happening all around the globe and has resulted direct impacts like drought,flood,distrubed rainfall pattern  and faminine threating the livelihood of people and livestocks.Now,its on hand of same human to remain protected from those adverse effects who once created the misery.Among the solutions,agroforestry is the one.
              Agroforestry,a collecctive name for a land use system and technology whereby woody perenninals are deliberately used onthe same land management unit as an agriculture crops or animals in same form of temporal sequence.According to International Council For Research In Agroforestry(ICARF) Agroforestry is 'a land used system that integrate trees with agricultural crops or livestocks simultaneously to get higher productivity, more economic returns and better social and ecological benefits on a sustained yield basis than are obtained frommonoculture on the same unit oof land,especially under condition of low level of technological inputs and on marginal sites.'Along with the good economic results,it offers opportunities for creation of synergies between adaptation and mitigation .Trees when grown on the field creats greenary,accounts in carbon sequestration and of course gives bonus benefits to farmers.It serves as two-prong approach to combating food and environmental challenges . some of the advantages of agroforestry are:
      1) Minimize soil erosion,landslide ,surface runoff, nutrient loss ,                   evaporation etc.
      2) Creates stabilized land use policy.
      3) Increases and sustains crop productivity.
      4) Offer solution to loss of biodiversity.
      5) Provides wood,timber,fodder to farmers.
      6) Crops and residues from agro forestry systems can be used as a                source of fuel to displace fossil fuel combustion.
           Hence,agroforestry system must be promoted in order to fight the          decreased productivity and environment problems.
agroforestry system agroforestry system

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  • says :
    its very best in agriculture harmanjout...it has lots of bonus benifits in agriculture... ) thanks for the comment
    Posted 27-08-2015 08:14

  • says :
    Agroforestry seems to be effective and it helps our environment too.Moreover,it offers a large number of advantages to agriculture as well.Hence it must be promoted.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2015 00:43

  • says :
    thank you dinesh for u comment :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 23:49

  • says :
    Integrating Agroforestry tree species is the common practice adopting by Nepalese farmers. I think leguminous tree could be the best option. Planting such tress along the slope in hilly area could be best possible way of reducing erosion. keep sharing information in such ecofriendly issue. :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 19:57

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