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by | 25-08-2015 21:31 recommendations 0

The farm production system in Nepal is highly integrated and interlinked, and is characterized by subsistence farming. The majority of the farming communities have extremely small landholdings of less than 0.5 ha. Land fragmentation is one of the serious problem. Farming in Nepal has always been based on production techniques that are healthy and promote healthy existence of inter-related elements of the ecosystem – soil, plants, animals and people. Synthetically produced fertilizers and pesticides have hardly been used or never been used in the case of some hill areas in Nepal. Also for tillage operation traditional way uses by most of the hilly rural farmers as in picture. The advent of commercialization of agriculture has exacerbated environmental problems and to top it up climate change is affecting communities who already have limited options for coping with adverse weather conditions. Therefore farmers are now exploring farming systems that can help to produce more from the available land, water and labor resources without either ecological or social harm, and increase their resilience to climate change. Organic agriculture represents one such potential area that is gaining momentum in economic, health and environmental aspects.

There is growing trend among urbanites for organic products, especially vegetables. An increase in purchasing power, education and awareness about health and quality of organic foods and the willingness to pay for healthy foods among consumers have increased the demand for organically cultivated vegetables in urban areas. This has also resulted in a vague mechanism of organic pricing and premiums although there is no established framework for organic product pricing. Market practices of organic agriculture in Nepal show individual farmers, entrepreneurs and cooperatives that are taking the practice forward as a remunerative enterprise. Many organic shops specially targeting the elite society and tourists are increasing in Kathmandu, Chitwan and Pokhara.

As the organic agriculture sector is gaining momentum in Nepal, it also possesses a great scope for its competitiveness, as Nepal is home to many potential products, namely spices, essential oils and medicinal plants, fresh fruits and vegetables. A significant area of agricultural land in Nepal is also organic by default, and is gradually increasing

The role of organic agriculture in enhancing soil fertility and nitrogen inputs and addressing food security is well known. In addition it can involve youth and thus reduce the current alarming rate of youth migration to urban areas and abroad in search of better livelihood opportunities and higher incomes.

ploughing in hilly area of Nepal by bullock

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  • says :
    good information on organic farming.
    Posted 25-10-2015 19:40

  • says :
    ya, I am agree with you. At the same time we need to spread about the benefit of organic farming up to root level. Unknowingly they are preserving nature, we need to support them. By using rotational crop method, agroforestry species planting or cover crop , any method which is suitable to the locality should be adopted. I hope that it will enhance the production and reduce the problem of migration of youth. :)
    Posted 26-08-2015 16:08

  • says :
    yess..they still need more information about org. farming..along with the time it has also been advanced but the farmers are practising the same old techniques not beacuse they are aware about it but because its their ancestral method...som farmers deny inorganic fertilizers and use cow dung because of the lack of money not because they are aware about the bad effects of chemical fertilizers..these all things should be considered and farmers should be provided with more trainings.. :)
    Posted 26-08-2015 12:18

  • says :
    Sandhya, organic farming practice is not new for us. still in the rurural area of Nepal farmers are practicing organic agriculture . I think organic market and certification is problem . Thanks for your comment.
    Posted 26-08-2015 10:28

  • says :
    yes organic farming which involves crop rotation,green manure, organic manure and fertilizers are very eco friendly.it helps fight against global warming by absorbing the carbon dioxide :) further organic env is preferred by wildlifes as well which helps in creating biodiversity..although it has few disadvantages like skill requirement,time consuming and areexpensive too,however its pros overweight its cons..lets step together toward organic life.. :) thanks forsuch a informative article dinesh :)

    Posted 26-08-2015 01:33

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