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Water is life

by | 25-08-2015 21:52 recommendations 0

Water is a priceless resource gifted by nature.It is very important for the survival of plants,animals and other species on the earth.But now a days people are wasting it but they are aware of its result.Today we can see its wastage in every houses.We can save it by making small efforts.We can close taps while brushing,after washing vegetables we can use that water to flush out in our bathrooms and we can use mugs or shower instead of buckets to bath.These small efforts can save water on a large scale.We must save water for our upcoming generation.

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  • says :
    You are right and yes there are a lot which can be done to save water but the important thing is to implement it in our day to day life :)
    Posted 26-08-2015 02:20

  • says :
    we can conserve the rain water in artificial pond or the tanks to utilize it in drought condition..further we can utilize the water that comes from kitchen in kitchen garden..there are lots of methods of conserving water if only all of us get concerned about it.. :)
    Posted 26-08-2015 01:48

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