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Recycling Carbon Dioxide

by | 04-08-2015 03:17 recommendations 0

Eco-innovations is the new buzz. People from all around the world are looking into this field. An Austrian company is constructing an operation of an innovative photo-bioreactor for the production of micro algae comprising high
amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which is good for our diet.
We regard CO2 warily, but it is a resource that can be used to
encourage the growth of algae that are rich in nutrients and
other factors. The Phobior project explains it is ?Closing the
carbon cycle? by using CO2 to grow algae producing omega-3
rich fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential to the human
metabolism and are currently sourced from fish oil, despite
concerns about over-fishing and pollutant contamination
such as mercury.
By commercialising an innovative photo-bioreactor, Phobior
is harnessing a natural source of omega-3 which avoids
exploitation of fish stocks and puts CO2 to good use.
This idea truly inspired me and got me thinking. If what we consider waste can be put to use, there might be so many new possibilities. Lets share our ideas for innovation.
One of the company's projects

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  • says :
    Great information!
    Posted 18-08-2015 11:01

  • says :
    very nice article .we must preserve soil carbon .so that it will not harm environment but purify air.
    Posted 10-08-2015 21:59

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