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World Environment Day 2015 At My School

by | 02-08-2015 02:15 recommendations 0

Our environment is the most important part of our life that sustains and nourishes us.I have always grabbed any chance that could help me in spreading awareness about the need to preserve and conserve it.Thus,I organized a program as a part of World Environment Day celebrations in my school.The program focused on the importance of preserving the environment and its natural resources which are now degrading at an ever increasing rate.Firstly,I gave a power point presentation highlighting the destruction that we humans have already caused to the environment and giving some tips to help mend the loss.I explained to the students some of the ways to conserve natural resources like water and fuel.I also told them about the ways of reducing their carbon footprint.I motivated them to use jute bags instead of plastic bags while going for shopping.This was followed by an exhibition of recycled items in which I showed them photo frames,pen holders,pots,etc all made out of waste matter and encouraged them to make art out of waste too.I also engaged them in an environmental quiz to test their knowledge and create awareness at the same time.The winners were given eco prizes too.There was a tree planting session in which saplings were planted all around the school and some indoor plants were installed in the corridors too.The event also included oath taking in which all the students took an oath to protect the environment in any way possible.All the students promised that they would plant atleast one tree each year.My efforts were appreciated by the principal of our school.
Creating awareness in the best way to spread your word.We cannot heal the wound that we have already caused to the earth but we surely can try to stop the degradation that is happening right now.If each one of us takes responsibility in changing our own behaviour,we can surely bring about a change that is necessary to achieve sustainability for our planet,our environment,and our own selves.
We humans have drained earth of its natural resources,but it is high time that we take a step forward in the direction of giving back to Mother Earth.This is the only only planet that sustains us,the only home of man.So let us all remember the duties that we all have towards our home!
. Giving a speech on the preservation of environment I, myself have grown these plants .

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  • says :
    Wow! matter of pride for you and your school too!
    Posted 18-08-2015 11:04

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I appreciate the way you made WED so meaningful for you , your school and the students who attended your session. You made them environmentally well informed . Good job. Keep it up.
    We should adopt eco friendly life style and spread awareness as still there are many who feel individuals don't have any role to play towards environment protection.
    Posted 08-08-2015 02:36

  • says :
    Thank you so much for your words of appreciation Aanuoluwapo.Yes indeed a memorable event!
    Posted 03-08-2015 01:52

  • says :
    Dear Harmanjot Kaur, I love the strategies you employed in the awareness program the PowerPoint presentation, showcasing of eco-friendly materials like jute bags, exhibition of recycled item, engaging them in quiz, the tree planting session and oath taking are all laudable and effective means of passing your message across to them. Believe me sincerely, the memory is going to last a lifetime.
    Posted 02-08-2015 07:01

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