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by | 29-06-2015 13:51 recommendations 0


After receiving news about ECO generation Living green  My blood pressure raised and pulse was faster. I am inspired the good work and after reading the notes and watching the presentation, I am admired the work and posted it on my FB. This was happen on July 24th. On the evening we were going to have a special annual diner with all volunteers of TEMA (TEMA The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats,   one of the leading Environmental foundations in Turkey http://www.tema.org.tr/web_14966-2_2/index.aspx) Ankara Chapter .

I was very late for the diner and found a chair on a table where is several school teachers. This time was for good food, nice talks on coming summer. This was net prevented me to talk about Green living Project.  All the teachers on table were have a window  of knowledge to more then thousand children. I  talked and asked them to help. We agreed to meet on Friday morning. Same  night after the diner I started to translate the presentation to Turkish and  it finished on late in the next day at late afternoon and I had enough time to make a good A5 cards for on table presentations to 2-3 people. I Posted it on issuu.com and on my  FB for electronic  presentation. I had some likes and interest to present the file to their scout troops and friends

We met on Friday morning  first on Zahit Zarifoğlu Elementary school  where Zeliha organized the meeting with fourteen teachers and a very young  eco volunteer who helped met o show some educational card games to be used with green living idea.

I used table top cards presentation  and also talked about The UN FAO YUNGA challenges, New Sustainable Development Goals,  Earth Charter, UN Decade of Sustainable development Education, Eco Generation and Tunza  and invited them to present and promote LİVİNG GREEN on their schools. The school principal also became very interested on the program too

ust after this meeting  teacher Zehra Celik  take me with her car to their school Ulubatl? Hasan Elementary and we had another exactly similar session with their teachers

They were all finished their work on administrative work and finish up seminars after schools closed for educational year with students and about to go 2 month summer vacation  They all kindly interested ,inspired and ready for action at September when schools re open again  The photos of the work will be on my FB Messengers of Peace website of World Organization of Scout movement, Thank you for living Green Project which make me very happy.
meetings in two elementary schools with Green ,Living presentations

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  • says :
    Turkish in the field of environmental conservation! Great story!
    Posted 18-08-2015 17:18

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks on sharing that Umit!! Keep going. It is good to know that Turkish people like you is working out on environmental awareness. =)
    Posted 05-07-2015 07:28

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    This is really a great example to utilize Eco-generation School Kit! We really appreciate your story about the Living Green Eco-generation School Kit. We do hope more and more children in Turkey can learn about the ways to living green! Thank you Mr. Baran!!
    Posted 29-06-2015 17:27

  • says :
    Thank you so much for spreading Living Green in Turkey :D It's interesting that you even translated the Living Green kit from English to Turkish.
    Posted 29-06-2015 15:37

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