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Living Green - Seychelles National Expo 2015

by | 30-06-2015 03:21 recommendations 0

Seychelles usually celebrates it's National Day on the 18th of June, but this year they've decided to do it on the 29th of June. National Day is celebrates the adoption of a multi-party democratic consitution, which happened in 1993.

An exposium is carried out every two years for three days (the weekend). Most businesses - including NGOs, participate in the exposium, this gives them the opportunity to advert there products, services and promote their business or NGO, some even sells their products on that day. 

SYAH Seychelles got the chance to take part in the exposium and helped with with a space for Tunza Eco Generation which was awesome we had an area just for Environmental NGOs, called the Eco Village. This was set up by the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Education, Environmental Unit.

We had NGOs such as SYAH Seychelles (itself), Sustainability for Seychelles (S4S), Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF), Wildlife Club of Seychelles, University of Seychelles (Environmental Science), Plant Conservation Action (PCA), Seychelles Island Foundation (SIF), Island Conservation Society (ICS), Green Island Foundation (GIF) and so much more - it was the most informative and the most interesting part of the exposium (to me) and they had interesting games for both children and adults, face painting, wheel of future, all these for free. It was amazing! Imagine all of these Environment NGOs joining together and making this BIG impact on the public in general. 

I definitely took this opportunity to talk about TUNZA Eco Generation and our aim to raise environmental awareness and youth platform - I did my "Living Green" Presentation to all those passing by and who seemed interested. Below I posted some great pictures taken on the two days.

I had many debates and many questions and it was a pleasure answering them, I felt worthy and smart enough to keep on with the debates, answering the question, promoting sustainable development, promoting LIVING GREEN - telling them how important it is to reduce our carbon footprint and how amazing it is to finally see the public being interested in saving the planet. 

SYAH Seychelles has this awesome project about Free from Plastic Bag Campaign but we should rename it to Free from Polythene Bag Campaign, because these are the ones that we should deal with as soon as possible and they are the most dangerous ones. 

I and a friend (Markus Confiance) we not only helped SYAH Seychelles, Tunza Eco Generation, Wildlife Club of Seychelles, Eko Youth and Island School Seychelles on these two days, but we also helped S4S with their massive survey - it was a four page survey which was quite alot and many of the volunteers (for the survey) gave up during the survey. But we completed more than 25 of these bulky surveys and very proud. The survey was about Water Conservation at home and Consumer awareness of saving water & PUC Service of water supply. 

PUC is the parastatel company of the Seychelles which supplies both of our treated water supply at home / businesses and electricity. 

I really hope you liked my articles and that you visited the NGOs website - if you haven't then you really need to! You'd love it.

Looking forward to your positive feedback!

Others Irma Tunza Eco Generation

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  • says :
    wow! Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 18-08-2015 17:17

  • says :
    Hahahaahahaha Thank you Christy :) You really should!

    Posted 08-07-2015 14:50

  • says :
    You look so beautiful like a super model in the profile picture. It made me want to go there :D
    Posted 08-07-2015 14:48

  • says :
    Thank you so much Luiz you are doing awesome work too and congratulations :)

    @Christy yes yes, the sun is always shinning here! i told you guyz you should come over and i will plan everything out! :)
    Posted 06-07-2015 17:10

  • says :
    You made my day with sweet words, Shafira :) I like the vivid story and shining pics with full of colors(maybe sunlight there is perfect that all pics are bling-bling)
    Posted 06-07-2015 11:26

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Wow, you did great Shafira!!! That is very inspiring!!! Thanks so much!!! =)
    Posted 05-07-2015 07:13

  • says :
    @Christy It means alot getting these positive comments from you. :) I am as happy as you are. Tunza is doing a great job for raising awareness and I won't stop promoting Tunza. We seem like this great big family. :) I know you do not normally get updates from the Seychelles, thus you all get excited to see whats going on and its a PLEASURE. Thank you Tunza for this opportunity and thank you again Christy for the wonderful comments. :D
    Posted 04-07-2015 01:28

  • says :
    Congratulations for the National Day of Seychelles!! Wow, you've done a real great job there. It's really awesome that somebody very smart and sensible woman is there promoting Tunza Eco-generation. I feel myself lucky to get updated with recent environmental issues in Seychelles through you. Thank you for sharing the event this vividly, liked the pics a lot :D
    Posted 02-07-2015 13:50

  • says :
    Thank you Eco Generation. I will always do my best to help those who needs supports especially environmental groups / clubs. :) I am happy that you like the pictures
    Posted 01-07-2015 15:43

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    WOW, pictures are nice! Thanks for sharing Shafira. We really appreciate your sincere efforts as always!
    Posted 01-07-2015 14:39

  • says :
    Trying to upload it - my internet is very slow
    Posted 01-07-2015 00:32

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    We'll look forward to your pictures! What an active participation!!! :D
    Posted 30-06-2015 17:38

  • says :
    Will be uploading the pictures shortly
    Posted 30-06-2015 12:41

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